Page 3 of Forever For You

I pat the table until I find a cup of coffee. I lift it to my face and inhale the scent of sweet, sweet caffeine. And coffee beans and whatever else they put in coffee. I take a sip and sigh. This is good. Really, really good.

I set the cup down and search the table until my hands land on the other cup. I repeat the smelling and tasting. This cup is amazing as well.

“Do I have to pick one or the other?”

“Bwak. Bwak.”

Juniper makes chicken sounds. She’s probably flapping her arms and pretending they’re wings, too. I wasn’t kidding about her being an animal freak. I genuinely think she likes animals more than people, which makes her job at the Wildlife Refuge outside of town a perfect fit.

I try both of the coffees again. They’re both delicious, but one has a slight caramel taste to it. And I do love me some caramel.

“This one.” I raise the cup and cheers erupt in the crowd.

Rowan whips the blindfold off of my face. He beams down at me. “I’ll expect you at the bakery tomorrow.”

Damn him to decaf hell and back. I must have chosen his coffee.

Without saying another word, I stand and walk away. How in the world am I supposed to get over the man when he performs stunts to force me to be near him every day?