Page 27 of Forever For You

“Winter Creek?” Juniper asks.

“It’s what the settlement was named before the hippies arrived and renamed it Winter Falls.”

Before Winter Falls became the first carbon neutral town in the world, it was a hippie commune. Mercury was one of the original settlers.

“What are you going to do with this information?” Ellery asks.

Aspen snorts. “We’re going to the brewery to search for clues, of course.”

I nod. “Exactly.”

She wags at finger at me. “And you’re not going without me.”

I place a hand over my heart. “I wouldn’t dare.” Mostly because climbing ladders with a cast on is a bitch.

“Count me out,” Ellery announces. “I haven’t got time to be sifting through some other business’s leftover crap.”

Color me surprised. Not. If it weren’t for me and the rest of my sisters, I doubt Ellery would ever leave the inn. I know it takes a lot to manage a successful business, but I have the feeling she’s using work as a shield to hide. What is she hiding from, is the question.

“I haven’t got time, either,” Juniper adds.

Wow. Another big surprise. What is it with my sisters and their love of overworking?

“I have a deadline,” Lilac says but doesn’t explain more. She never does about her work. You’d think she was a nuclear engineer instead of an environmental engineer the way she keeps her work secret from everyone including her family.

Aspen throws her arm around my shoulders. “It’s up to you and me, babycakes.”

I glare at her. She knows I hate the nickname babycakes.

She winks. “This is going to be fun.”

And a great excuse to escape the house and get away from the object of my every desire. Living with the sexy baker is driving me stark raving mad, especially since he’s being nice to me after he discovered my secret business. Damn him. Can’t he remain a grumpy jerk? It’s easier to resist a jerk. Mostly.