Page 5 of Due North

“I don’t like speaking in riddles and questions. Our family has had enough mystery for one lifetime.” Tess lets out a long, lingering sigh. “We’re not the ones hiding my sister. I have to assume it’s the Sovereign Pack keeping her out of sight, considering they’ve announced today that she’s to be the new Luna Sovereign.”

I blink once and then stare, watching emotion flit over her face.


Dominic growls. “There’s nothing to say no to. The decision has already been made.”

“Impossible.” It is impossible, isn’t it? I haven’t always kept up to date with shifter history, but as far as I remember, a Luna Sovereign has never taken a mate.

I can hear the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

“It’s true, the announcement is probably being spread to the smaller packs as we speak. By tomorrow, whatever rogues you know will have heard the news as well.” All of the respect for me from before has faded from Tess’ eyes. “If you were hoping to interfere, I’m afraid you’re too late. My sister’s been with the Sovereign Pack for weeks, apparently.”

“She’s not here?” I can’t fucking believe this.

“No,” Dominic confirms resolutely.

I let out a string of swears and turn to slam my fists against the wall. The drywall rattles under my hands, but I don’t give a damn. There’s no use acting like a gentleman now. I had hoped to slip out of here with my mate, but she’s not even here. I’ve spent weeks looking in the wrong place.

My breathing is ragged as I lean into the wall, my fists propping me up against it. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to think of my next move.

This puts a wrench in all of my plans.

My mate can’t be the Luna Sovereign. The very thought is laughable. The Luna Sovereign is proper and elegant, and I’m a brute by anyone’s standards. Tasha Jarreau might look sweet in photos, but I assumed there was fire in her belly.

Like Tess. Surely, she has that in common with her sister.

But a woman with fire in her belly wouldn’t agree to be the Luna Sovereign. Even Tess showed disdain for the position. The Luna Sovereign might command a great deal of respect, but the role also comes with a great deal of isolation. A life away from family or pack.

Fine by me… if it didn’t come with a whole slew of traditions I don’t believe in.

I slam my fists once more and then whirl, elbowing easily past Dominic and Tess. She’s the first to follow me into the hall, but he isn’t far behind. They especially won’t want me wandering their pack grounds now. I’ve gotten more answers from them than they’ve gotten from me.

“You can’t go after her.” Tess’ voice rises in pitch with her alarm. “The Sovereign Pack won’t let you anywhere near her. They’ll protect her from you and anyone else.”

I’m already tired of her mistaken assumptions. I stop abruptly, forcing her to run into me. Dominic jerks her away the second her shoulder bumps mine.

“The Luna Sovereign Pack can’t have her.” They both open their mouths to protest. “No. I’ll protect my mate at any cost, even if it means protecting her from those leeches. They can find a new damn Luna Sovereign. It won’t be her.”

Tess shakes her head. “What? No. Tasha isn’t your mate.”

She is. My wolf growls. I echo the sentiment.

“Paxton, my sister can’t be your mate. Her mate…” Her words fade into silence.

“Tasha’s mate was killed by rogues,” Dominic finishes for her, wrapping his arm tighter around her waist in comfort.

I gape at the two of them. Something is very wrong here. “Are you protecting the Sovereign Pack?” I narrow my eyes.

Of course. Tess must be one hell of an actress to pretend she doesn’t want her sister with them. Of course these people take pride in the kind of traditional bullshit that would take a woman away from her family to serve the higher good.

Dominic tilts his head as if he’s seeing me for the first time. I guess my fighting wasn’t quite as impressive to him as it was to his mate.

“The only person I’m interested in protecting is Tess’ sister. We didn’t know the Sovereign Pack took her until today’s announcement. A couple months ago, we went to help investigate things after the Sovereign Pack discovered the former Luna Sovereign had passed on. We were partway to the house when someone spoke to Tasha over mind link, and she split from us. We haven’t seen her since.”

That would have been the last time I saw her. I know exactly the date he’s speaking of because I tracked her with them. When they stopped at a gas station on the road to the Luna Sovereign’s house, I knew I couldn’t keep following without drawing too much attention. She was safely in the backseat; I saw her with my own eyes. I assumed she would come home with them, otherwise I never would have felt comfortable returning here to stake things out.

A curse rips from my throat. I was right there, I should have taken her then. The Alpha and Luna be damned.