Page 69 of Due North

“I’ll drive.” Dominic brushes past me in the hall and heads for the stairs. He pauses when he realizes I’m not following. “Are you coming or what?”

I look at the guest bedroom door I closed a few moments before, staring as if I can see through it. Tasha will still be sleeping peacefully in the bed where I left her. Things between us were still tense when we went to bed last night, but at least she didn’t move away when I pulled her close to fall asleep. It’s early morning now—the sun is barely up—and I know that after yesterday, she’s tired enough to sleep in a while if no one bothers her.

I nod at Dominic. As much as I’d like to deal with my mate’s problems on my own, I’m sure an Alpha of a big pack like the Anchorage Lake Pack will garner more respect from the Sovereign Pack than a rogue. There’s no need to make waves any more than I have to.

Dominic leads the way downstairs and through the quiet main floor of his pack house. He nods to a few guys and a woman pulling boots on by the front door.

“Change of plans,” he tells them, keeping his voice low. “I need coverage. Glass and I are heading to see Alpha Waverly. It might not turn out to be a friendly visit. I want you to get the morning team on high alert in case things go too far south.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

The energy around us is instantly tense. What we’re doing could be a suicide mission if we’re not careful. I haven’t ever seen evidence of it myself, but there are quiet rumors about how vicious Alpha Waverly can be. I assumed I would face that wrath after taking Tasha. The fact that no one has come after me or looked for her only confirms that something isn’t right.

No one speaks again until we’ve made it out to the cars. Dominic hands keys over to Luca, his Beta. “You ride in the back. If they see you first, they might go on the defensive too quickly. We want to catch them off guard.”

“Got it.” I reach for the back door but pull away when I hear someone calling out. I have to step around the back of the car to see him coming.

“Wait up!” Tobias calls loudly, making me wince. So much for flying under the radar.

Dominic joins me, watching Tobias jog toward us from the direction of the house that Dominic let my family commandeer. His t-shirt looks like it’s on inside out, as if he dressed in the dark. Dominic and I both puff our chests as Tobias joins us. No way in hell am I letting my brother stop us.

“What?” My voice is sharp, unwelcoming.

“I’m going with you,” Tobias says. He plants himself next to the back door of the car. I’m fully prepared to forcibly move him out of the way, but Dominic puts his arm out to stop me.

Dominic shakes his head. “You should stay here where it’s safe.”

“I’m the oldest. If Paxton is barreling headfirst into danger, then I’m going to be there too.” Tobias crosses his arms stubbornly. “Look at what happened the last time we didn’t all stick up for each other.” He means Greg’s failed attempt to restart our parents’ fucking cult. “If we’re going to really be a family again, it’s my job to be here.”

Shit. When he puts it like that, I know there’s no getting rid of him.

Dominic glances at me to make the decision. “Just get the hell in. The sooner we get there, the better. This early in the morning, we’ll have the element of surprise on our side. They won’t be expecting us to roll up at the crack of dawn.”

“Okay, let’s get this show on the road then.” Dominic lifts his chin and moves to the passenger seat. Tobias gets in the back and scoots to the opposite side, lifting his bushy eyebrows expectantly. Maybe I’ll admit it in this one instance… Family might not be so bad.

* * *

“What the hell?” Luca slows the car to a stop as the Sovereign Pack’s little town comes into view.

Tobias and I both lean forward to peer through the front windshield as Dominic curses under his breath. We wondered why we hadn’t been stopped on the road leading here, and now the answer is obvious. Whoever is currently stationed on the Sovereign Pack’s land is clearly not the Sovereign Pack.

There are work trucks haphazardly parked in the grass around one of the buildings. A little further in, I can just make out two expensive looking SUVs beside the pack house.

The smell of humans lingers heavily in the air. And if there’s anywhere on pack territory that humans should never be, it’s the Sovereign Pack land. This territory is nearly as sacred as the Luna Sovereign house itself.

“We should get out of here before they notice us,” Dominic suggests.

“Fuck that.” How long have a bunch of humans been holding up residence this close to my mate? Were they here when she ran from me? If I hadn’t gotten to her when I did, would they have found her first?

“Paxton, wait.” Tobias tries to hold me back, but I shake him off easily and jump out of the car.

It’s eerily silent as I creep across the overgrown grass toward the nearest building. I move between the trucks for cover, but there doesn’t seem to be any need for it. No one comes out, and there doesn’t appear to be anyone on duty.

I make it to the edge of the closest building and peer through a window. Behind me, I can hear the sound of car doors closing gently, leading me to assume that the other guys are joining me.

Inside the building, I can make out bunk beds. I didn’t realize packs still had bunkhouses anymore. The concept of a bunch of shifters all living in one big room is outdated. I squint my eyes to try to make out the details of the figures filling most of the beds. All men, so they’re definitely not the shifters that belong on this land. The Sovereign Pack is almost all female shifters aside from a few male guards that exist on the outskirts. I also notice an eerie lack of movement, not even the rise and fall of sleeping chests.

Dominic, Tobias, and Luca all catch up to me as I round the building. I can feel Dominic’s glare, but I don’t say shit. He’s not in charge here, not when my mate could be in danger and he’s trying to be fucking cautious. Screw that.