10. 9. 8. 7. Is he for real? 6. 5. 4. Men are unbelievable. 3. 2. 1.
"Do you really think that's my biggest concern right now?" I ask, my voice coming out more shrill than intended despite the very helpful counting I did. "How attractive you find me? Have you been paying attention at all?"
He winces, releasing me. "I was trying to be nice."
I'm so beyond speechless that all that comes out of my mouth is a strangled sound.
"Tess, come on. I'm just trying to express to you that my interest is genuine. That I want you by my side for legitimate reasons, and that I respect you."
"Respect? You think anything you've done so far is a sign of respect?" I'm starting to feel borderline hysterical. I don't understand how things can be so hot and cold between the two of us. I sort of thought I would feel nothing at all once severing the mate bond with my rejection, but instead I only feel like we've gotten more complicated.
How is that even possible?
"You're a real fucking headache, you know that?" Dominic says, but he's still looking at me like he's thinking of kissing me again.
I blame too many romantic drama scenes in movies I've watched over the years. Because the next thing I know, I launch myself at him. And it has nothing to do with mate bonds or fate. He just drives me so crazy that the only thing I can think to do is kiss him.
I can no longer question whether I'm crazy—I obviouslyam.
His hand slides to my lower back as I wrap an arm around his neck to drag him down to me. This time, there's no denying I'm the one who kisses him first. I go right in with exactly zero self-control, my mouth desperately grappling with his as I lean into him, our bodies pressed so closely that from the outside it probably looks like I'm trying to crawl under his skin.
I can feel his cock straining against my stomach as I run my tongue across his bottom lip. It's admittedly hot knowing that I've seen exactly what it looks like. I can picture him under his pants, the smooth skin of him aching for me.
I feel freaking shameless.
And then someone catcalls, breaking the moment. As I pull away, Dominic reluctantly releases me. Still, the tension remains as we stand mere inches apart, staring at each other. I feel a little robbed being interrupted like that.
"Come on, I have a better place." Dominic offers me his hand, and this time I make a conscious decision to take it.
"Woah," I breathe out as he jerks me back the way we came.
I have to practically run to keep up with him as he speed-walks along the path. Neither of us talks, which gives me too much time to think.
I don't know what the hell I think I'm doing. I'm giving off major mixed signals, I know that, but it's like my hormones are getting the better of me or something. I know nothing has changed about our situation. If anything, I've only warmed to him because he's my chance to learn more about myself.
Well, that's a lie if I've ever heard one.My wolf is less than impressed, which probably has something to do with the fact that I forced the rejection of our mate, and now I'm kissing him like I'm a fairy-tale princess that’s just been rescued.
This doesn't mean anything, I tell her as much as I tell myself. This can't be more than a momentary distraction. There are too many things in the air that are far more important than fooling around with someone I'm not sure I like on even the basest level.
Clearly, I'm not doing a great job of convincing myself. We reach the center of pack land again, and I recklessly follow Dominic into the empty Victorian house.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
This is either the best thing I've ever done or the stupidest.
The hinges squeak on the solid wood door of my late mother's house as I push it open for the first time in months. I only wander through here about once or twice a year, but I do pay someone to come in and clean regularly, so it's a relief when the place is spotless. I would be horrified if I brought Tess in here to cobwebs and a layer of dust.
I glance over at her, looking for a reaction. She turns away, hiding her face as she studies the design of the entryway that my grandfather had custom built for my grandmother once upon a time.
This house is a family heirloom. Bringing her here makes me feel more off-kilter than I've felt with her all day, which is saying something considering this feels like the longest day of my life.
At this point, Tess has run away and come back. I've confronted an unknown shifter and been caught jacking off to the thoughts of my can-barely-tolerate-me mate. And we've gone from fighting to kissing like that's somehow natural. I think back to my parents' easy relationship and wonder how the hell I ended up here.
But it's too late to go back. After the horror I felt when Tess was in the pack clinic unconscious, the idea of even considering taking another mate makes me sick.
It's all or nothing now.