Page 50 of True North

I put distance between us immediately, though he doesn't notice because it takes him mere seconds to stand and disappear into the closet himself. I wait where I am, not wanting to brush past him through the walk-in closet to search for something to wear. I already know pants are going to be an issue again. I try to imagine the looks I'll get if I belt up a pair of his jeans.

Dominic steps out with an extra shirt in his hand. "You can wear this," he tells me. "And I had something delivered for you." He hands the shirt off to me as he passes me on the way to the bedroom door. There's a shopping bag hanging on the outside of the doorknob.

He tosses the bag on the bed, and curiosity gets the best of me. He watches me pull out several matching pairs of black leggings. I can see the wordpetiteon one of the tags. That's surprisingly thoughtful.

"Underwear would have been nice," I point out, tired of thanking him for small niceties when he's the reason I need these kind of things in the first place.

If I were out on my own like I intended, I would have figured clothes out well before now. He's still half-assing the effort as it is.

"I prefer you without," Dominic explains. Then he darts out of the bedroom just before I can get my hands on the bedside lamp to throw at him.

I can't for the life of me figure out what his deal is. How does a man reject his mate only to turn around and try warming up to her years later? Something is going on, and I know he's keeping me purposefully in the dark. I have a gut feeling. I can only hope that maybe the visit to the Luna Sovereign tonight will shed some light on his sudden change of heart.

* * *

Watching Dominic work is… dangerous.

After years of working alongside Callum, I had a certain expectation of how Dominic's work day would go. But this is nothing like expected.

I lean back in my designated chair to watch as a trio of men speed by as if they're doing timed trials. It's almost uncanny how everyone always seems to be in a hurry here. I, on the other hand, feel like a sloth.

I'm doing my best to look everywhere that isn't Dominic's desk. It helps that the wall of his office that faces into the hallway is made up entirely of glass. There's no privacy—which is really working out in my favor at the moment.

"For the last time, will you please let me give you something to do? I'm sure it's freaking my staff out to have you watching them like an owl."

I force myself to look at Dominic, telling myself I can handle it. But then I get a good look and immediately remember why I was avoiding it. He looks sexy as hell behind his desk, a pair of thick-rimmed glasses perched on his face as he reads a thick contract in front of him. Pair that with his button down shirt, and he looks like he could step into a romance novel.

"Okay, it's freaking me out a little bit too. Here, look over these." He holds the contract he's been reading out across the desk for me.

I lean forward and snatch it before quickly leaning back again. I don't trust myself to be within touching distance. This whole sexy boss thing he's got going on is really testing my resolve against my wolf. She's thought of six creative ways to fuck him in this glass office already.

I slap my hand over my mouth even though the thought is safely tucked away in my brain.

"Do I want to know?" Dominic sighs, narrowing his eyes at me.

I've been weirding him out ever since we got here and I got my first look at him in his prime. I shake my head no. He definitely doesn't need to know anything my wolf has been thinking about. Personally, I wish I could scrub my brain of practically every thought my wolf has had in the past few days.

It's hard to believe it's been four days, my wolf muses.

That one we can agree on.

I glance down at the papers in my hands. A quick skim of the first few pages tells me it's not a contract after all, but a proposal. Apparently, someone's asking Dominic to consider building a new school on his property. Based on the map they've attached, it looks like the land they want to utilize is mostly untouched.

"Could I borrow a pen?" I ask without looking up.

I'm vaguely aware of Dominic moving, but I'm so engrossed in the proposal that I don't realize he's walking over to me until he's practically on top of me.

"Here," he says, holding a red pen out to me.

He continues to hover as I draw an arrow from the proposed building to a piece of land a little further south. He makes a humming sound deep in his throat, leaning over and putting a hand on my armrest to get a closer look at what I've marked.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because…" I trail off because I realize that I've probably just majorly overstepped my boundaries. He told me to look at the papers, not give my input.

"You might be a pain in my ass, Tess, but you know your stuff. You proved that yesterday, so spit it out. What's wrong with where they want the building to go?" He sounds genuinely interested.

I trace the line with my finger and take a deep breath before I explain, "The spot they picked is fine, but this one is better. There are less trees to remove, and the terrain is smoother in the surrounding areas. If you put the building where they're proposing, and Goddess forbid, something goes horribly wrong, you'll be limited on options with getting the kids to safety."