Page 26 of True North

"It was either you or the table." I grow more frustrated with every passing second she spends looking at me with absolute disinterest. How is she so fucking unaffected while my wolf is ready to pounce the second he gets a green light?

"He didn't lay a hand on me." She rolls her eyes at me, and I think about how good it would feel to put her over my knee and spank her like the brat she's being right now.

Yes, do that.My wolf is certainly fond of the idea.

I study the woman in front of me. Woman, not girl, which is more clear now that I get a good look at her. Three years has changed a hell of a lot. She's still small, far too small to stand by my side, but her curves are more pronounced. The features of her face sharper, more womanly.

I turn over the things she's revealed so far, and that only sparks more questions. I rapid fire them at her.

"Why were you with the East Terrace Green Pack? And why were you even out where Luca could get to you? Doesn't your Alpha have a safe space for non-fighters? Were you hurt?" I glance at where she's keeping her weight to one leg. "Is that what happened to your leg?"

She heaves a sigh and says nothing.

Damn her.

"You know what? Fuck this. I'll just call Cross and ask him what the hell happened myself." We don't know each other extraordinarily well, but we're on friendly enough terms that I'm sure he'd tell me what this woman's deal is.

I pull my phone out and she leaps forward and grabs my forearm. "Don't."

Her eyes look wide and fearful, and that expression makes something uncomfortable churn in my gut. What the hell did Cross do to her to make her react like that? I've never heard anything, not even rumors, but a woman doesn't react like that for nothing.

I let her take the phone from my hand, fully aware that it would take no effort on my part to take it back if I wanted. Let her hang onto it for the moment if that makes her feel safe enough to start talking.

"It's not what you're thinking," she says softly, looking away.

"Is that right?"

"Callum is the best man I know; he would never hurt me." She protects him fiercely, and I'm sure she thinks that's meant to be reassuring for me, but it has the opposite effect.

Destroy him,my wolf urges.

"I don't want to talk about this. Not with you," she adds. She says you with so much disgust that my wolf whines. What the hell is going on that the rejection apparently stuck on her end but not mine? I owe the Luna Sovereign a call. She knows all there is to know about shifter history. She'll have an explanation for this.

In the meantime… I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing with this woman and her maddening scent.

Chapter Ten


This is my worst nightmare come to life. Not only have I just virtually exiled myself from my own family, but now I'm face to face with the one man I never wanted to see again. And not just face to face with him, but freaking pining for him.

Tess,my wolf whines, desperately trying to get my attention.Mate.

It's taking every bit of mental strength I've built over three years not to give anything away, and I think I've been fairly successful. I haven't thrown myself at Dominic Parker's feet yet, so I have that going for me.

I didn't think wolves still pined for each other once the rejection settled in, but my wolf appears to be determined to prove me wrong. And if I'm not just imagining things, it maybe seems like Dominic's wolf is giving him trouble too. Or at least that's what I assume from the fact that he seems to be giving more attention to his wolf than to me despite us being a mere few feet from each other.

Since he's somewhat distracted, I side-step toward the kitchen island and set his phone down. I have no intention of stealing it, I only wanted to be sure he wouldn't call Callum. At least not until I've had the chance to put some distance between myself and this place.

I can't go back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dominic asks, his voice full of fiery irritation. It's kind of his own fault for snooping on his Beta in the first place. If he hadn't, I would have been gone without him ever having been the wiser.

"I've clearly overstayed my welcome, so I'm going." I try to sound more confident than I feel.

It doesn't matter. As I start to walk past Dominic, he grabs me by the wrist and yanks me to him, making me stumble on my bad leg that's still not quite back to one hundred percent. He holds me just far enough away that we're not quite touching, but I can feel the angry heat radiating off of him. He shakes me slightly.

"What were you doing with that pack?" He squeezes me tightly enough that I wince, and still, he doesn't loosen his grip.