Page 92 of True North

"It's so lovely to have you," Lydia gushes to Tess, glancing at her before bowing her head again.

Tess looks to me for help, but I shrug. It's always odd dealing with The Sovereign Pack. They're cut off from most other wolves, dealing with other shifters only when the need arises. Such as now. Their pack is about as sacred as the Luna Sovereign position itself. They may be an odd bunch, but they've proven themselves to be formidable opponents over the years anytime the Luna Sovereign was threatened. I can only imagine how on edge they are about the current situation.

"Thank you for having us. We're really hoping we might be of service to you here," Tess says, digging in and finding manners worthy of a Luna. It takes everything in me to not thump my chest like a caveman and proudly proclaim this woman as mine.

She would definitely not appreciate that.

"That's so kind of you. Please come in." Lydia gestures for Tess to go first. I know it's rude as hell of me, but I keep my hand on Tess's back and directly follow, instead of letting the ladies go first. I don't want anyone moving in between us, not while I'm on edge waiting to see if the other shoe drops.

There are more familiar faces from The Sovereign Pack when we enter the house, all of them busy cleaning and fussing with the Luna's things. They're preparing for a new Luna to come home, and for a moment, I'm awestruck by the visual. Few people ever get to see something like this.

"Hello," Tess says. Repeating it over and over again as everyone we walk past perks up when they see us.

They're onlyinterested in our mate, my wolf points out. I've met all of these shifters at least once while dealing with shifter business. Never have I received such an interested greeting.


I feel like I'm looking suspiciously around every corner as we keep walking through the house, stopping only when Lydia says, "Right through here."

It's the same little library where Tess lost consciousness last time we were here. I glance at her, looking for any sign she's uncomfortable with this, but she takes an easy step into the room. The Sovereign Pack's Alpha, Alpha Waverly, the only female Alpha in North America, is there waiting for us. She rises from behind the desk as we enter, a book clutched in her arms.

"Luna," Waverly greets Tess, making my heart stop for a full fucking beat. But then she turns and nods to me. "Alpha."

Calm the fuck down before you embarrass us,my wolf warns. Glad one of us is keeping cool. I feel like I'm going to throw Tess over my shoulder again and sprint out of here any minute now. This place has me on edge in every way.

"I'm glad the two of you decided to come. I'm sorry if my pack came on too strongly. They were very excited to learn the mate you've taken, Dominic, is a legacy." She smiles, looking so serene that it's borderline deceptive. I know as well as anyone that Alpha Waverly can turn vicious at the drop of a hat.

I've brought my pack to help The Sovereign Pack protect the area more than once. Though until now, it's always been because of a threat to the unclaimed portions of land, not a potential threat to the Luna Sovereign's seat itself.

Tess barely seems to register Waverly's words, her eyes locked on the book in her hands.

"Ah, yes." Waverly notices where her attention is too. "Here you are. A gift from the outgoing Luna to you. She thought a souvenir might be nice, given as how she left you with so many unanswered questions." She hands the book over to Tess who takes it gingerly, eyeing it like it might bite. I'm pretty sure it's the same book that knocked her into shock last time. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to rip it out of her hands.

"How do you know any of that?" Tess asks suspiciously. That's my woman, asking questions and taking nothing at face value.

"The Luna may be gone in body, but her spirit will only move on after she's cleared her unfinished business." Waverly looks to me. "She wanted me to reassure you that your mate's position within your pack is set. Tess won't be called up."

A wave of relief washes over me. I started to suspect, seeing as how Waverly handed over only a single book, but it's nice to officially have that confirmation. Tess looks up at me with a question in her eyes.

"I thought you might be next in line," I admit, relieved all over again when she pulls a face at the thought of being the Luna Sovereign. It would have killed me if she wanted that life over one with me. I wasn’t really sure, since it seems like we only keep taking baby steps forward.

"Can I ask you something?" Tess turns her attention back to Waverly with a lost expression. "My sister was with us, but when we got close—"

Waverly gives her a bitter smile that cuts her words short. "Let's let that be your sister's journey, shall we?" There's no denying it's a non-answer, and clearly Tess sees that. Her body language closes up. All Waverly just did was alienate Tess by refusing to reassure her that her sister will be okay.

"Dominic." Tess looks at me with a dark expression. I'm not about to let her take her feelings out on me.

Who has eyes on Tasha Jarreau?I ask my pack.

We saw her heading East just a few minutes ago,Lewis answers.She's not the speed demon your little friend is. Do you want someone to tail her?

Yes. Catch up to her and don't let her out of your sight again. If she strays into trouble, take care of it and bring her back. Otherwise, just keep a safe distance behind.The last thing we need is him getting overzealous and spooking her if it's unnecessary.

"Thank you." Tess nods.

I imagine it won't be long before she's giving those kinds of instructions herself. I really need to announce her position within the pack sooner rather than later, just to be sure there isn’t a question where she stands. I have no doubt the pack will listen to her when she's ready, as soon as she's confident to give orders on her own.

"If you're ready, there's something I would like to show you," Waverly says, breaking the moment between Tess and I. It's easy to forget anyone else is around when I look at my mate. I glance down at her mark as if I need to see for myself it's still there. I'm relieved the shirt she chose this morning has a low collar, leaving her mark exposed for everyone to see.