Page 75 of True North

The pack house is huge, that's obvious, but I haven't taken any time to really consider the size of the pack itself.

It's a wonder I actually managed to escape today without being stopped. As many wolves as Dominic has running around this place, I'm always going to be outnumbered. I try to conjure up even a simple vision of me as the Luna of a pack like this.

Instead, all I can manage are memories of me as a wallflower. Standing on the edges of both pack society and human society.

"Tess," Dominic breaks my self-reflection, offering his hand to me. I’m distracted enough to take it without thinking about it. “We’ll be back, Tasha,” he tells my sister reassuringly as if she isn’t ready to happily shove me out the door with him.

"I'm not a child, I don't need a guardian," I grunt at him as we step outside. I try to pull my hand loose, but he has an ironclad grip with his fingers threaded through mine.

He looks at me with all the patience of Tevin when I was sixteen and tried asking him car questions. "I know you're not a child, but I was worried about you today. So maybe for a few minutes you can indulge me." He's scowling, but I think I see the hint of a smile when I shrug.

Damn him. I don't want to endear myself to him. Unintentionally or otherwise.

We walk out the front of the pack house, heading into the small neighborhood that makes up the center of Dominic’s pack territory. A training yard. The pack hospital. A pretty Victorian house that looks vacant… okay, that one is a little weird.

I feel melancholy settling in now that the distraction of Dominic’s dick and the adrenaline from the day are wearing off. How is it that I can know so little about myself when other people seem to know so much?

“What if there’s something to what that shifter told you?” I ask, watching Dominic from the corner of my eye as we continue to walk, leaving the main neighborhood to travel the side roads of houses instead.

"Maren?" I wish he would stop saying her name. “It’s… a possibility. Do you think there could be something to it?”

He slows his steps, tugging on my hand so I turn to face him. At least he finally lets go of my hand. It’s space I need if we’re going to have this conversation. I need to know that he’s not expecting me to run again at the drop of a hat. I know it isn’t fair considering how many times I’ve tried to run already—but it’s the only way I can be sure his mind is fully on my words rather than on worrying about my every move.

"Something, uh, happened when that wolf tried to lunge at me."

"Something like what happened when—"

"Yes," I cut him off before he brings up the kissing. I really don't want to focus too much on that; I'm too worried he'll want to talk about what it meant that I kissed him back. I don't want to have to analyze that too much for myself.

I blow out a breath and sheepishly explain, "It was a little more though. I kind of… moved the earth?"

"What?" He blinks at me with slightly widened eyes, worry lines cropping up near the corners while he looks at me like a crazy person. "You moved the earth," he repeats, the words pouring out of his mouth like dry sand.

"The ground shook, Dominic. I'm not crazy. The ground was shaking and cracking, and I kept hearing voices telling me a war is coming. And I got scared because I wasn't sure if that meant it's coming for me or for your pack, but either way I…" I lose steam, my voice cracking. Maybe I am crazy.

"I don't think you're crazy," he says quietly. "A perception I hope you'll share of me when I tell you you're not fucking leaving again."

My instinct is to bristle. The least he could do is actually ask me to stay instead of just demanding it and offering me no say in the matter. But on the other hand, he has resources I need if I'm going to actually get answers.

This definitely has nothing to do with that kiss. Or seeing his dick.

I'm pretty sure I'm blushing.

"What are you thinking about?" Dominic asks with a smirk.

"Nothing," I say over my shoulder as I turn and start walking again.

I walk quickly, not so fast that he can't keep up, but fast enough that I don't have to look at him again just yet. No way in hell am I admitting I was just thinking about his dick again. As far as dicks go, his was nice. That's all. Proportionate. Nicely colored. Not that I looked forthatlong. It was just a glimpse. I didn't study it or anything.

Oh my Goddess. I start walking a little faster.

"Tess!" Dominic snaps, his voice going from teasing to annoyed with no warning.

I freeze in place, my body going hot with indignation over him saying my name like that. I open my mouth to tell him off, but the words get lost when he grabs the back of my neck and yanks me close. Our mouths are mere inches from one another.

"I never understand what's going through your head," he mutters, his fingers teasing the hair at the base of my skull. "But you should know, I think it's sexy as hell that you're strong and capable and not easily pushed around. Whatever is going on that's making you unnaturally strong and literally shifting the earth—that only makes me more interested in you."

He stares at me, waiting for a response. I count backwards from ten in my head.