Page 72 of True North

"Did you find the rogues?" I ask, turning back to stare out at the ferns.

"Yeah. Luca is taking care of it." The way he answers quickly, without details, makes me suspicious, but I let it go for tonight. I just don't have the energy for anything more.

"I'm hearing things you know… a voice." I don't know why I feel compelled to tell him that, but once the words are out, I can't take them back.

When he doesn't respond immediately, I look at him again. There's no excitement in him, no interest in whatever that might mean. In different circumstances, I might be offended by the lack of interest, but I'm actually relieved to see he's not suddenly more interested because something makes me seem special.

"It's still early. Did you want to go back to bed, or do you have other plans?"

"I'd actually like a walk. Are things safe for us to go out?" Being out on the balcony makes me long to plant my feet back in the grass. My run only made me more antsy to be outside. Being cooped up doesn't suit me.

"You're always safe with me," he says seriously. It takes everything in me to not gag at how sappy that sounds.

"Can you dial it back from an eleven to maybe a five? I'm back for the moment, give me at least a few more hours before I wholly regret that choice." I slip past him into the bedroom and close myself in the closet to put on pants.

I'm happy to have a break for a couple of minutes. It's hard for me not to let my gaze drift down now that I've seen everything he has going on down below.

I don't usually spend much time thinking of men's dicks, but for some reason, Dominic's feels permanently etched into my brain. I'm pretty sure I could live to be a hundred and still not forget what it looked like all proud and jutting out as he shot cum all over the bathroom.

It shouldn't be so hot to think about but…

I fan myself dramatically before I step out of the closet. Never, and I meannever, will I admit to Dominic that seeing him nude put dirty, dirty thoughts in my mind. If things weren't complicated enough before, now it's all just one tangled mess in my mind.

"Glad to see you figured out where your own clothes are," Dominic jokes awkwardly as I step out in well-fitted leggings.

I glance down at myself, still in his t-shirt, and blush. "Sorry." I only put it on because it seemed like the most comfortable thing in the closet. I turn to go back and put on one of the shirts clearly meant for me.

"Wait, I'm just kidding. Keep it on, it's nice." Dominic sounds as awkward as I feel. At least we're both in the same boat.

"Right, well, I guess let's go then." I keep a healthy distance between us, careful not to so much as casually brush against him, as we leave the room and start for the stairs. "We should ask Tasha if she wants to go too; she was a little antsy when I checked on her before. She, uh, also might have used up every baking ingredient in the pantry. She bakes when she's nervous."

And after I refused to answer pretty much all of her questions about my choice to run away and then come back, she was certainly on edge. She should be properly grieving the loss of her mate, and here I am scaring her and making her worry about me instead.

It makes me feel so freaking guilty.

"Tess?" Dominic pauses just as we reach the landing at the second floor.

"What?" I don't like how intensely he's staring at me all of a sudden.

I'm not prepared for him to grab my waist, whipping me around so my back hits the wall and knocking the wind out of me. I open my mouth to question him, but he captures my lips on my exhale. I'm so surprised that it doesn't even register at first that he's kissing me.

And, uh, that I'm suddenly kissing him back.

My hands settle on his upper arms, feeling the tension simmering just under his skin as he mauls me. He kisses me with the kind of possessive intensity no one has offered before, claiming my mouth because it's the only part of me I've given so far.

I keep kissing him back, forgetting why it's such a bad idea in the midst of my chest going all warm and fuzzy. He plants kisses starting at the corner of my mouth and works his way across my cheek to my neck.

For a moment, I let him suck a line down my neck. It feels good until I realize he's getting dangerously close to…

"Stop!" I panic, shoving him hard in the chest before he can get within marking distance of my neck.

The air chills, and what was meant to be only a solid shove becomes something else entirely. I hit Dominic with a normal amount of strength for me, but the hit sends him reeling back, crashing into the opposite wall with a resounding thud.

We stare at each other, both of us with mouths open in shock.

"I didn't—"

"How did—"