Page 61 of True North

Three days.

"I thought you would never wake up," Dominic says solemnly, forcing me to meet his eyes. "But what was that just now? Were you linking?"

He scowls as I stare wordlessly at him.

He hasn't accepted your stupid rejection. There's still a chance.My wolf perks, but I don't share the sentiment.

Instead, I turn my attention to the other person in the room. The unfamiliar one who's staring at me a bit like a science experiment gone wrong. He straightens when he realizes I'm looking his way, stepping forward with a relieved expression. Clearly, he's not enjoying the politics happening in the room.

"What happened?" I ask him before Dominic can try questioning me again.

"You went into a bit of shock. The details are a little hazy, I'm afraid, but your vitals have been good. What do you remember before you passed out?"

"You can go, Al," Dominic says, interrupting before I can even try to work up an answer.


"A few minutes of time with just family would be really great now that my sister's awake." Tasha nods her agreement.

I look suspiciously between them as the pack doctor mumbles an agreement and steps away. The two of them ignore me and exchange a pointed look of their own. Neither of them speaks until the door closes soundly behind the doctor.

"What was that?" I ask, digging my elbows into the bed to try to sit up.

"Here." Tasha touches a button on the side of the bed and it elevates, lifting me to a comfortable spot where I can look them both more clearly in the eyes.

"What was that?" I ask again.

"Well…" Tasha wrinkles her nose. "Dominic and I decided it might be best not to share too many details right now. Not until we figure out what exactly happened. We haven’t been able to reach the Luna since your visit. Dominic’s Beta has gone to check in on her. And Dominic has tried to fill me in on what he does know, which admittedly is not much.”

Dominic sneers at her. “As opposed to you, who had no idea about your family legacy? You, with the history obsession, who somehow missed your entire family line over the years. Yeah, you really have room to judge.”

“Will the two of you stop?” I groan, they’re making the headache so much worse. I can’t follow the way they’re volleying at each other.

Tasha nudges Dominic further away so she can climb onto the bed beside me. “We’ve spent the last three days trying to research the family line, but there’s not as much information as we expected despite the fact that our family line goes all the way back to the first shifter civilizations here. We even tried the human library too, but nothing there helped either.”

A gasp of pain bursts out of me as my vision blurs.

“A war is coming, Luna.”

“Do you hear that?” I ask, the sound of my voice muffled as if I’m talking underwater.

“Don’t run.”

It’s surreal, but it’s like I can feel the voice. Not coming from a person but from the air in front of me. For a moment, it’s like I can see the particles of something trying to put itself together in front of me. A puzzle made of thin air. I reach out as if to touch it.

“What the hell!” Tasha yelps as the lights flicker.

I blink my vision back to normal as they flicker once, twice, three times, and then stay on. I turn my head slightly to see Dominic staring at me, equal parts suspicion and concern in his expression. If we didn’t trust each other before, that sure as hell didn’t help.

* * *

I always knew there was something special about my sister, and her ability to boss Dominic around with absolutely no second-thought only proves it. After the two of them spend too long arguing about whether the little light incident was a coincidence or not, she effectively kicks him out, telling him not to return until dinnertime.

"What's happening to me?" I whisper to Tasha when it's just the two of us.

Despite Tasha trying to convince Dominic otherwise, we all know that was no coincidence. Something is speaking to me, and I'm not so sure it's something trustworthy. There's a bad energy left behind, coating the room in a weird haze that doesn't seem to affect Tasha.

"I'm not sure," Tasha admits. "What were you hearing?"