Page 104 of True North

Her eyes get a faraway look. “This was only a battle, Dominic. I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I wake up to the sound of rain pinging off the French doors. It’s still dark out, the sun not up yet, but as soon as my eyes peek open, I know I won’t be going back to bed anytime soon. It’s been a fitful few hours of sleep as it is, and I don’t have it in me to count anymore freaking sheep.

I roll over to face Dominic, listening carefully to the sound of his breathing. He sounds deeply asleep, but I have the sudden urge to wake him up.

We could wake him up to play, my wolf suggests helpfully. It’s a ridiculous thought. I have to convince myself not to disturb him, clutching my hands together rather than reaching for him despite the urge. We came to bed late, and I know even after that I kept him awake with my restlessness.

Silently, I slip out of the bed without disturbing him.

“Try the books,” a voice seems to whisper in my ear. It startles me enough that I whip my head around as if I’ll actually see the origin of the voice. It’s spirits again, but I don’t know if they’re coming to be helpful or taunt me. I feel more wary than I did before.

I spare one last glance at Dominic sleeping and take my dagger from the bedside table. I have to stop in the closet for clothes before I leave the room, and I slip the dagger into my waistband. I know it drove Dominic crazy that I did it last night, but right now it’s one of the few things making me feel safe. I don’t want the dagger out of reach.

Dominic stays asleep in the bed as I cross the bedroom and slip out into the hall. I didn't think he was this deep of a sleeper, so I chalk it up to how much yesterday took a toll on all of us.

The halls of the pack house are quiet, but there are members of the pack on guard on every floor. They nod their heads respectfully to me as I pass. This wasn't how I expected to become Luna of their pack. Most Luna's get a proper announcement, maybe even a party to celebrate. But while the pack might have resented me as an outsider had the announcement come like that, there's no doubt about my loyalty to the Anchorage Lake Pack after what happened yesterday.

My third pack. My last pack.

Our home. My wolf has certainly made her approval clear.

Planned to head to the main library in the pack house, but my feet seem to have a different idea. Instead, I find myself in the smaller library with the antique shifter texts. The smell of old books greets me as I close the door soundly behind me. I don't need any company for this.

I stand in the center of the room and shut my eyes, willing whatever has been going on with me to lead me in the right direction. Something taps at the back of my mind, yet I struggle to let it in. I open my eyes for a moment and shake my head, desperately trying to clear everything else out.

I need to focus.

"Speak to me," I say aloud even though it makes me feel silly. Then, on a whim, I pull the dagger from my waistband and hold it out in front of me. "If something could start happening now, that would be great." I shake the dagger a little.

Nothing. I don't know why I thought I could magically find answers. As if the dagger is a magic wand or something.

I lean my hip against the study table in the center of the room and stare at the dagger. It's hard to imagine it being passed through my family, mostly because there's so much I don't know about my ancestors. When a new Luna Sovereign is chosen, I can only hope she might be able to help me find the answers I'm looking for.

In the meantime, there's something else for me to worry about still. Tasha and Tevin. I have no idea where either of my siblings are or whether they're even safe. I wish I'd had more time with Maren to ask what business she had with my brother. Not that I would have trusted her in the moment. It's only now that I've seen she was right about the battle here being another distraction that I consider she might not be the villain I first assumed.

I'm not sure what business a woman like that has running with rogues, but catching me alone in the woods would have been her chance to attack if she wanted, and she didn't. In fact, the dagger she delivered to me kept me safe. Kept my whole pack safe.

I think about the note in the box. The one clearly written in a man's handwriting.

For the Anchorage Lake Pack Luna.

You become the war.

Take history to battle.

It's a strange riddle. Of course I am the Anchorage Lake Pack Luna, but no one should have known it then. Especially not in time to deliver a priceless family heirloom. And now, though I'm not sure if it's what the gifter meant, I did take history to battle. The dagger itself, to be exact.

Now I'm left wondering what it means for me to become the war. I think someone knows something the rest of us don't, and it makes me uneasy that I still don't know for sure if that person is friend or foe.

The dagger is a nice touch. But if the mystery man really wanted to make sure I was protected, why the hell didn't he show up to help himself?

The questions are endless.

I hold the dagger out across both my hands so I can study the handle. I like the sturdiness of it. In my hand, it feels solid and safe. Like generations of Jarreaus have held tight to it before me, their strength helping to guide me.