“It appears your pharaoh has found a way back into the underworld,” Beaumont, the earth king, said. He raised his eyebrows and glanced pointedly at Aviur.
Aviur rolled his eyes. “Like any of you could have predicted that. Dragons, of all creatures. Why would they be willing to help anyone get into hell, especially via the gate? Regardless, we must go now.”
“Wait.” Trill hurried forward, holding up her hands. “I have other news. Ra, the elementalist searching for his female, met with Viscious earlier today.”
Aviur frowned. “What? What are you talking about?” He snapped at the pixie.
Trill ignored his harsh tone or simply didn’t recognize it. “It was after he killed an acolyte.”
Mutterings ran through the room. “I thought you said he was under control,” Ecthelion said to Aviur.
Aviur narrowed his eyes at the other king. “He has shown remarkable control, considering his soul bonded is in hell being held captive by Osiris for a second time.”
“What did Viscious want with Ra?” Agni, Aviur’s mate, asked.
“He wanted to make a deal with the young pharaoh,” Trill answered, her wings fluttering nervously. “He offered to help get Ra into the underworld if Ra would agree to owe Viscious a favor sometime in the future. No questions asked.”
“And if Ra didn’t agree?” Aviur asked, already knowing the answer but needing to hear it out loud.
The pixie squeaked. “I’m sure you can guess the answer. No one refuses your dark counterpart. Viscious will kill him.”
Aviur turned to look at Resha. “Is Ra with the others at Devil’s Heart?”
The fairy nodded. “He was.”
“What do you mean ‘was?’” Agni asked.
“A group of dragons stormed through the gate of the underworld, along with the female dragon rider. Ra joined them.” Resha folded her hands behind her back and glanced at Dhara. “I meant to come sooner. I really did, but it was all so surreal. The dragons never get involved.”
“Unless under a demon’s control,” Beval, the air king, said quietly.
“Thank you, Resha and Trill,” Dhara said. “We will take it from here.”
Aviur opened a portal to the Devil’s Heart, but he made sure it was concealed in the trees. He wanted to observe what was going on before anyone saw him, just in case the element of surprise was necessary. He took his mate’s hand in his and headed through the portal, knowing the others would be right behind him. “I’m going to kill Viscious,” he said to Agni.
“You know there will be consequences.” She squeezed his hand tighter. They emerged in the forest, surrounded by trees. Aviur heard sounds coming through the foliage. He slinked forward and saw the group of students trying to hold the gate.
Silently, Beaumont crept up beside him. “I think Viscious is going to be the least of our worries.” They watched demon after demon fly or run from the open gate to hell.
Aviur heard gasps from the other royals as they all took in the scene before them.
“Even Sepheron isn’t able to keep them from escaping.” Kairi pointed to the dragon king.
“Let’s go.” Aviur sprang toward the group where Liam, Gabby, Tara, and Elias fought beside the dragon king and his warriors, woefully failing to keep the demons from passing through the gate.
As Aviur reached them, he called on his power and shot balls of fire at the demons. “You all didn’t have time to ask for help before you decided to bring the wrath of hell upon the earth?” Aviur stepped up and took a position beside Elias.
“No offense,” Tara said, her voice sharp with anger, “but none of you seemed to give a damn about our friends when we asked the first time, soNO, we didn’t ask for any help.”
Aviur had no response for the earth elementalist. He might never admit it to anyone, but maybe leaving the students to work things out on their own wasn’t his best idea ever. “What’s done is done,” he muttered under his breath.
“We are here now,” Agni told them.
“Sorry, your majesty.” Gabby shot flames out of her hands in a steady stream at a pair of winged demons swooping overhead. “But it might be just a little too late.”
“Nevertheless…” Agni turned her power on the evil beasts. A narrow bolt of pink fire flew from her hands, striking the demons and dropping them with the precision of a sniper.
“How long ago did Ra go in?” Aviur dropped, and a leaping demon in the shape of a mutated house cat soared over his head.