“That’s not possible,” Osiris said. “I have been the lord of the underworld for all time. It is the only thing I know.”

Rory felt Kimba’s body shake, and she patted her friend. “What’s wrong, Kimba?” Rory’s heart rate sped up when she felt Kimba’s shaking growing even more violent.

“Slide off, little witch.” Kimba held out her wing. Rory didn’t hesitate.

“Come near her, and I will maim you horribly,” Kimba threatened Osiris. “I may not be able to kill you, but I can certainly make your life hell on earth.”

“I already live in hell, dragon. Nothing you could do would be worse than this place.” Osiris’s words fell flat, as though he wasn’t sure if he believed what he spoke.

“Ra?” A voice came from behind them, and Rory shifted slightly. She refused to turn her back on Osiris, even with ten dragons lined up in front of him.

Ra spun around so fast it was a wonder he didn’t fall over. Either Osiris had released the spell he held on the pharaoh or the call of the female’s voice gave Ra the strength to break the hold himself.

“Remember what I told you, Shelly,” Osiris said, his voice rising enough for the blonde girl to hear him. “I will follow through.”

“Do not speak her name.” Ra snarled.

So this is the girl that launched a thousand ships. Or at least a pharaoh, a dragon, and her rider. Ra took a step toward Shelly.

Shelly held up her hand. “Stop, Ra,” she said, and her voice shook. Rory thought the girl looked like she was suffering some severe physical pain. Her lips were tight, and her cheeks twitched, as if the nerves couldn’t help but move because of the anguish. Shelly’s brow rose, causing wrinkles to run across her forehead, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

“Shelly, whatever he’s threatened, I won’t let it happen. I will protect you,” Ra promised, his voice full of earnest.

“It’s not me who needs protecting. I won’t let him hurt you.” Shelly started forward, and she made a wide arc around Ra, as if she knew he would grab her if she got close. Rory thought the girl was correct. Ra’s body leaned toward Shelly as if he was about to pounce.

“Shelly, stop,” Kimba said sharply.

The blonde girl’s eyes widened, and she froze.

“You do not give commands in my realm.” Osiris growled.

Kimba opened her mouth and shot out a blast of fire so fast that Osiris almost didn’t move quickly enough to keep from being hit.

“Who the hell are you?” he said through gritted teeth. He brushed off his clothes as if they’d gotten dirty.

“There is no time to explain it here, Osiris,” Kimba said. “The demons will escape hell soon if we don’t get out of here and close the gate. Not to mention, if we stay here, we will most certainly die, but only after being tortured.”

“I think it’s a little late for the whole ‘prevent the demon hoard from escaping hell’ plan,” Shelly said. “On my way here, the demons were in a frenzy, barreling past me to get to the exit. They didn’t even slow down to threaten or curse me. I believe some have already gotten out.”

“You left the gate open and unprotected?” Osiris snapped as his eyes flared with flames.

Rory noticed Ra had inched closer to Shelly as she was talking. He reached out and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to his chest. He closed his eyes and buried his face in her neck for a split second. Then he looked back up, and the mask of indifference returned. Shelly collapsed against him, and her hands shook as she grabbed onto Ra’s wrists that pressed against her stomach.

“Get us out of here while you still have the power to do so,” Kimba said, speaking to Osiris. “Let go of this ridiculous idea that you want the human and focus for a moment. You don’t feel right, do you? Osiris, you know something is off, but you can’t put your finger on it. You feel empty, like a hole inside of you is growing so fast you fear it will become a bottomless pit and suck you into it. This isn’t you, Osiris. Take us out of here, and then we can discuss the many questions I see in your eyes.”

Osiris stood rigid as he looked back at Kimba. His eyes darted quickly around the room and then came back to rest on Rory’s BFF. He opened his mouth to speak but snapped it closed when the ground beneath their feet began to shake. The tremor grew in intensity, and the surrounding walls started to crumble.

Rory looked down when she heard a loud crack. She saw a fissure forming in the ground, beginning to run across the room in both directions.That can’t be good.“Get over here,” she said to Ra and Shelly, motioning for them to jump over the growing fissure. Before Ra could take a step, the dragon beside him lowered its massive head and grasped the back of Ra’s shirt. The beast lifted Ra and Shelly, then turned his head so he could deposit them on his back. He looked at Kimba. “We need to go. He is coming.”

Kimba gave a sharp nod. She looked at Rory. “Back up, little witch.” Kimba lowered her wing, then Rory scurried up it to Kimba’s back and settled in.

“Ra!” A shout of multiple voices bellowed through the hall so loudly they were heard over the thunderous sound of the rumbling and shaking of the walls.

The massive dragons turned as one, the movements so fluid that none of them even bumped into one another. Rory’s mouth dropped open when she saw who was approaching.

“Yes, those are ancient Egyptians, and that is Ramses,” Kimba said, as if she could read Rory’s mind.

“You must get out, now,” Ramses said, running at the head of the crowd. “When he awakens, you will all be trapped here.”