Osiris opened his mouth to speak, but apparently Ra was not in the mood for casual conversation. He roared with the ferocity of a lion whose position as the leader of the pride was being challenged. He threw out his arm, still holding the sword, and a ball of fire shot out, headed straight for the lord of the underworld. Not waiting to see if the projectile would hit its mark, Ra sprinted forward. Osiris dodged to the right with inhuman speed, and the fireball flew past him. Ra launched himself into the air and yelled, “Ancestors, I call on you now. Grant me your power.” The flames that engulfed Ra grew larger until it was difficult to even discern there was a human beneath them. When he landed in front of Osiris, Ra struck out with the blade in his right hand, slashing his enemy across the cheek.
“Dang, dude is not playing,” Rory whispered.
Osiris slammed his hand against Ra’s chest and threw him back several feet. Osiris glanced down at his hand. It was red and angry looking. A look of confusion passed over the lord of the underworld’s face, and Rory saw that Osiris realized he’d been burned.
Ra prowled forward again, undeterred by Osiris’s obvious strength. “Using the power granted by my ancestors, I’m going to cut you apart, slice by slice,” Ra said. His eyes were darker than she’d ever seen them. “My peoplethat have been trapped here with you for centuries. They’ve had plenty of time to build up their hatred against you, and I will use that to grant me strength. But something else will guide my hand. Not hatred, but love. The love given to me by Mother Gaia. With those tools, I will end you for what you have done to my mate.” He lunged at Osiris, his blades moving so quickly that Rory only saw them as unending arcs of flames. Instantly, flaming swords materialized in Osiris’s hand as well, but the flames engulfing them were blood red, instead of the blazing orange of Ra’s blades.
As soon as their weapons collided, sparks erupted around them like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Their movements were so smooth, the pair almost appeared engaged in a choreographed dance. With each step that Ra took, Osiris shadowed it with his own. Every thrust was parried, every strike dodged. Neither man could gain an advantage. Minutes passed in a blur of grunts, the ringing of steel, and the showering of sparks. There were no more threats, no mockery, and no insults, just two men completely focused on killing the other. Finally, a point was scored. Ra ducked as a sword came at his neck, then he ran his own blade across Osiris’s leg, causing the lord of the underworld to hiss. A second later, though, Osiris found a hole in Ra’s guard, and the blade sliced Ra’s arm. Ra didn’t make a sound.
“Are you going to stop this?” Rory asked Kimba.
“Not just yet,” Kimba answered. “Ra deserves his chance at vengeance. He likely cannot kill Osiris, but landing a few shots on the lord of the underworld will be good for them both. It will allow Ra some much-needed justice against the one who has done his soul bonded harm, even if that justice isn’t complete. And for Osiris it will be … humbling.”
Rory nodded.“Fair enough.”
Ra executed a forward roll, then rose on a knee and turned, whipping his sword across the back of Osiris’s leg.
Rory cringed. “Oh man, that’s got to hurt.”
Ra wasn’t done. Still down on one knee, he swung his other leg out and swept Osiris’s feet out from under him. The underworld king fell backward, but before he hit the ground, Osiris disappeared, only to reappear a few feet away.
“Lame move,” Rory said. “If he has to use his helly powers, then he’s a coward.”
“No one has ever accused Osiris of fair play,” Kimba said. “And he’s never faced a human that could hold his own against him. It’s probably a little disorienting.”
“Still, dude should fight like a man. If he’s going to dish it out, then he needs to take it as well.”
Just as Ra started forward again, Osiris held up his hands. The swords in both their hands disappeared. “Enough!”
Ra froze in mid-lunge, his arms outstretched, and his face tight as he fought against an invisible hold.
“See?” Rory spat. “Coward.”
“Where is she?” Ra growled. Apparently, his mouth could still move.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ra.” Osiris dropped his arms and slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “You come into my home, threaten me, attack me unprovoked, and then expect me to acquiesce to your demand for information? That’s not how it works.”
“Frankly, I don’t give a damn how it works,” Ra said coolly. “I am leaving hell with Shelly, even if I have to search every inch of the underworld and kill every demon I encounter. As I have just shown you, I have more power than just my own.”
Osiris’s face darkened. “That can be easily rectified. No soul survives the fiery pit. Your ancestors can take an accidental tumble at any time. You amuse me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you where you stand.”
“You can try,” Ra said. “But you will not succeed.”
Rory wanted to tell the dude to shut up. He couldn’t win against the lord of the underworld. He couldn’t even move. Getting himself killed wouldn’t help Shelly.
“That will suffice.” Kimba finally spoke. “You will not harm the boy. He is under my protection.”
Osiris turned to look at Rory’s dragon. He stared at her, his eyes narrowing as he took a step closer. “What makes you thinkyoucan stand against me?”
“You cannot kill me, Osiris.” Kimba’s voice was low. “Any more than I could kill you.”
“Um, Kimba,” Rory said, “I’m pretty sure we came down here to fight for Ra’s woman, not to make nice with the devil.”
“Who are you?” Osiris stared at Kimba, a look of confusion on his face. “I know you.” Then softer, seemingly talking to himself, he added, “How do I know you?”
“I am only now beginning to regain my memories. Memories I didn’t even know I’d lost.” Kimba shook her head as if to dislodge something, and she let out a puff of smoke. “Things are hazy. What I do know is that you are not who you think you are. And the rightful lord of the underworld is coming.”
“What the…” Rory muttered, her eyes widening.