Gabby groaned. “Not helping, water boy.”
“How do you know we can do this?” Elias asked.
“I never said you could,” the king answered. “But a dragon’s memory is long, and our knowledge of the supernatural world is extensive.”
“That doesn’t answer the question at all,” Tara said.
“They can’t lie,” Rory said from beside Aston. “If he’s telling us this, then it’s the truth.”
“Truth or not,” Gabby said, “he didn’t say we could do it!”
“We must try,” Ra spoke up. “Do as he has instructed.” He made a circle motion with his hand.
“Ra, if I could kick your royal arse right now, I totally would.” Liam huffed and moved with the others to form the circle. Aston walked to them, gently pulling Rory with him. She followed without a fight, though he could still feel her frustration and fear. Aston glanced at the stone, the flames still licking at it. The gap was growing ever larger.
“Hurry,” Sepheron urged.
The girls quickly grabbed one another’s hands while the guys stood behind their soul bonded and rested their hands on their shoulders. Aston began gathering his power. He pictured it starting in his feet and rising like pouring water into a glass, filling up inside his body. When it reached his hands, he pictured it flowing into Rory. He heard her gasp, so he squeezed her gently.
“Females, gather the power from your mates. Let it merge with your own,” the dragon king said. “Imagine your magic gathering in a ball of light in the center of the circle. Push more,” he pressed. “Make it big—bright like the sun. Good. Now with everything you have, push with your will straight at the stone. Do it. Now!”
Aston watched as the ball of white power flew at the now wide-open stone. With a start, he saw red eyes glowing in the darkness beyond the gaping maw in the stone. The light hit the entrance, and screeching filled the air. The glowing eyes retreated.
“Hold the power at the entrance,” Sepheron told them. “Do not let up, and do not release one another.” His head turned, and he looked past their circle. “Kimba, ten of our warriors will join you. The others will remain with me in case the soul bonded fail and the demons pass through.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Gabby said through gritted teeth and a tightly clenched jaw. Her face looked pained, but her eyes glowed with a white light. Aston glanced at Tara and saw that hers did as well. Ten dragons separated themselves from the group and moved closer to the stone. Kimba joined them and marched to the front, posting herself directly in front of the opening.
“Ra,” Sepheron said, “stand before me.”
The pharaoh walked over without question. His face was blank, though flames danced in his black eyes. He held his weapons of choice—two short swords—in each hand. Ra’s knuckles were white from clenching the handles so tightly.
“Dragon fire is a separate form of power than that wielded by the royal fire king. I can burn away the runes, but I must warn you. The process will not be without pain.”
Ra immediately held out his arms. “It cannot be more painful than what I am already enduring.”
The dragon king nodded in understanding. He looked back at their group. “Do not move. No matter what.” Then he opened his mouth and blew flames onto the pharaoh until Ra was completely engulfed.
Aston watched as his brother’s mouth opened, and his eyes squeezed closed tightly. Ra made no sound, but it was clear from his face the pain was horrendous. The runes began to fade. Seconds that felt like minutes ticked by. Finally, the runes disappeared completely. Sepheron closed his mouth with a snap, and the fire stopped. Ra’s skin appeared angry and red, but he made no mention of it. He opened his eyes and turned toward the gate to hell, as if he might sprint to it.
Aston made to call out to him, but all of a sudden, he felt Rory’s power weaken. She still held Gabby and Tara’s hands, but her body turned toward the gate where Kimba stood. “Focus, wild Rory,” Aston said and leaned down close to her ear.
Rory heard Aston’s words,but she’d already made up her mind. She could no more change her decision than she could change the tide. Her eyes followed Kimba, watching as the dragon marched closer to the gateway leading into the underworld. All Rory could picture were demons overwhelming Kimba, bringing her down, their terrible claws ripping at her friend’s underbelly, or maybe Osiris using hell fire to blacken her beautiful scales. Rory couldn’t let that happen. She released Gabby and Tara’s hands.
“Rory!” Gabby yelled. She tightened her grasp on Rory’s slackened hand. Tara did the same on the other side. Both girls stared at her, their eyes pleading with Rory to return the grip on their hands. She gave a subtle shake of her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered and then shot a jolt of power through her hands toward them. The shock was enough to make them release her. As soon as they did, Rory jerked away from Aston’s hold and sprinted toward Kimba.
“Rory!” Sepheron’s powerful voice rumbled through the clearing, but she didn’t even slow her pace. She focused on reaching Kimba before the crazy beast launched herself into the underworld without her.
She saw Kimba lower herself, preparing to use her powerful legs to thrust herself up and forward. Rory wasn’t going to make it in time.
“ASTON!” Rory screamed with all she had in her and prayed to Mother Gaia he would hear her through their bond.“Please, help me.”She felt his surprise, and then his fear, but most of all, she felt his love. He didn’t want her to go into the underworld. He was terrified she would die the instant she entered, but neither did he want to prevent Rory from helping her friend.
“If I stop you, I will be making you choose between me and your friend. I wouldn’t do that to you, Rory. And you might never forgive me.”She heard him loud and clear in her mind, as if they were touching.“I should have said it sooner, but I was a fool. I love you, my wild Rory.”
A powerful rush of air lifted her from the ground. Rory flew so fast at Kimba she thought she might vault right over the dragon. “Kimba.” Rory called out at the same time the dragon launched herself into the air. The air pushed Rory faster, and she saw Kimba turn. The dragon’s massive wings began to beat, raising her into the air. Her eyes widened briefly and then took on the determined gleam that Rory had become accustomed to over the course of their time together. Just as Kimba reached the gate, Rory landed on Kimba’s back. The landing was surprisingly gentle, considering the speed at which she’d been moving. “Don’t even think of trying to knock me off.” Rory growled.
Kimba raised her wings, the massive appendages catching the wind, stopping their forward motion until they hovered. “You cannot go into the underworld, Rory,” Kimba said. “You will not survive.”
“Yes, I will. I’ve got too much to live for.” She clamped her legs down tightly. “Hell hath no fury like a woman pissed off her BFF was leaving her behind.”