Rory took the phone and tapped the contacts icon. There were only four numbers listed: Tara, Elias, Liam, and Gabby. She wondered why Ra’s wasn’t there, but decided in lieu of what she and Aston were currently dealing with, any questions about that subject could wait. Rory pressed on Tara’s name and then put the phone to her ear. It only took two rings for her to answer.

“Have the dragons agreed?” Tara’s voice was sharp with anticipation.

“I haven’t exactly made it to that part of our journey yet,” Rory said. “I’ve got a little issue that needs to be addressed.”

“I’d like it noted, for the record, that I’m not alittleissue.” Aston’s voice was apparently loud enough for Tara to hear, considering her gasp.

“Did he seriously just say that?” Tara asked. “That sounds like something Liam would say.”

“Like I said”—Rory sighed, then glanced at her soul bonded before adding—“we have an issue.”

“Tell me everything,” Tara demanded. Her voice was urgent, but not unkind.

Rory had no clue how she was going to explain this to a girl that was virtually a stranger and not die of embarrassment. Better to just rip the bandage off quickly. “Do soul-bonded males have a stronger libido than non-soul-bonded ones?”

“Okay, wow,” Tara sputtered. “You just get right to the point.”

“It’s not like we have the luxury of pussyfooting around,” Rory pointed out.

“Are you Gabby’s long-lost sister?”

“I have no idea what that even means.” Rory huffed. “Can we get back to the part where my soul bonded is continually trying to jump my bones?”

“This is so freaking awkward. It’s really a conversation you should have with Shelly. She used to have a fascination with my impenetrable hymen.”

“Bloody hell, woman.” A British voice came loud and clear through the phone speaker. “Who are you talking to about your hymen?”

“Pipe down, stalker boy. It’s Rory. She’s asking some questions about you freaky soul-bonded males. Okay,” Tara said. “I’m back. Have you and Aston been intimate, like really,reallyintimate?”

Rory was silent for several moments, then nodded as if Tara could see her.

“Hello?” asked Tara.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rory saw Aston take a small step toward her. She snapped her head around and pointed a finger at him as if he was an errant child. He held his hands up as if to surrender, though his smoldering eyes told a different story.

“Yes,” Rory finally said into the phone. “That would be a definite yes.”

“Ooookay, then. But aside from the fact that you guys are supposed to be making our case to the dragons andnotgetting hot and heavy, what’s the problem with him wanting you, especially considering you’re essentially married in the elemental world?” Rory heard confusion in the other woman’s voice.

Rory clenched her jaw and struggled not to growl like a damn animal. “He’s being a little too aggressive—no, that’s not the right word.” Rory shook her head. “That makes it sound like he’s forcing himself on me, and I’m unwilling.” She wracked her brain for a word or description that would adequately explain Aston’s behavior without making him sound like a douche. “He’s acting like he can’t stay away from me. Like there’s a compulsion he is battling and losing.”

“One sec.” Rory heard Tara repeating what she’d just said, presumably to Elias. Then Rory heard a deep voice in the background but couldn’t decipher his words.

“I’m back,” Tara said. “Elias has experienced something similar to that, and yes”—Tara sighed—“it’s a soul-bonded thing. They’re a little hand twitchy when it comes to their females.”

“I don’t recall you complaining about my twitchy hands la—” Elias began.

“Do not finish that sentence,” Tara said quickly, but not quick enough to prevent Rory from getting an unwanted mental picture.

“Look,” Tara said, her voice taking on a serious note. “I don’t know the specifics about your relationship. All I know is that soul bonding happens because there’s a chance that our soul, with its missing pieces, has the potential to become dark. Aston’s soul is light and desires very much to be joined with yours. When you’re intimate and both willing to open your souls to another, then more than just your bodies are joined.” She paused, and Rory could practically feel the uncomfortable vibes reaching through the phone. “When you guys, uh, were, you know—”

“When wejoinedthe first time,” Rory offered.

“Yes, that. Did you feel anything more than simple physical enjoyment?”

“Oi, I’m really not comfortable with you discussing Aston’s love life with his woman, luv,” Elias called out.

“She needs someone to help her understand, you wanker”. Tara growled. “If you think you can do better, then by all means.”