“Like that’s necessarily any better.” Tara laughed without humor. “Regardless of what it is, they’ve both been doomed to hell. And for Ra, it’s not just spending eternity there. It’s having his soul bound to a demon.Andknowing the woman he loves is bound to the most powerful demon of all. How is that supposed to make me feel any better?”
“So,” Rory spoke up, “why, exactly, are we still considering summoning a demon if Ra is on the road to becoming one? Shouldn’t we be trying to keep him as far away from the underworld as possible?”
“Shelly—” Tara began.
Rory held up a hand to cut her off. “I have another way to get your friend back.”
“What?” Tara and Gabby exclaimed in unison.
“How?” Elias stepped around Tara, grabbing her hand and walking toward Aston and Rory.
Aston looked at his female and saw triumph on her beautiful face. “Only fire elementals can travel to the underworld.”
“Tell us something we don’t know.” Gabby stepped up beside Tara, with Liam at her side.
“If you’ll keep your shirt on, I will,” Rory said, rolling her eyes.
“You totally don’t have to keep your shirt on, baby,” Liam said. “She can talk without you being fully clothed. Though the ‘XY’ chromosomes in the room need to turn their backs.”
Rory’s eyes widened. “You’re right. They should just put your picture next to the word lust. No other explanation needed.”
Aston looked back at Liam, knowing his brother would have a response.
“Only for this firecracker.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. “So it would have to be my face with an equal sign and then her face.”
“My face is not going in a dictionary, and this is a ridiculous conversation,” Gabby said dryly. “Get back to the going-to-hell-and-getting-Shelly-back topic.”
“Right.” Rory nodded and looked down at the book in her lap. “There are all sorts of fire elementals, but I just happen to be friends with some of the most powerful.” She grinned as she looked at Aston and then the rest of the group, but they all stared at her expectantly. “Dragons. Dragons are at the top of the fire-elemental food chain. And it just so happens that they’re pretty pissed off with Osiris and his demons at the moment. Considering what that crazy ass, demon Dolion did to the dragons, spelling them to do his bidding.”
“Dragons.” Tara breathed out, the relief in her visible as she sagged forward. “Why didn’t we think of that?”
“Because the dragons keep to themselves,” Elias said. “They stay out of the elemental battles.”
“Really?” Gabby challenged. “Because I’m pretty sure they were all up in the Devil's Heart battle.”
“They were being controlled by a demi-lord demon who’d been drawing on the power of two strong covens of witches,” Rory bit out. “They’re not evil, and they don’t side with evil.”
“Maybe not, but one of them at least—”
Tara reached over and slapped a hand over Liam’s mouth. “How can we get the dragons to help if they don’t like to get involved?”
Rory closed the book and leaned back, her chin raised and her shoulders pulled back. “I’ll ask them to help. I’m in good standing with the king of dragons. Not to mention, my BFF is a dragon.”
Liam whistled. “That’s some strong competition you’ve got, Aston. Can you seriously compete with dragons for your woman’s attention?”
Aston looked at Rory and felt the lust Gabby had described burn inside of him. “I think I’m up for the challenge.”
“And on that note, we’re out,” Gabby practically sang. “Liam and I will find Ra. Dragon Girl and Lusty History Dude, you two see if you can convince the dragons to go to hell. But say it in a nicer way than that.”
“It’s a good thing you two are going to talk to them.” Liam smirked at his soul bonded. “Gabs doesn’t have the gift of diplomacy.”
“I have the gift of kicking ass, and I’m about to give you an early Christmas present.”
Liam leaned toward her and whispered loud enough for the rest of them to hear. “I love it when you threaten me with violence. Hurt me, baby.”
“Wow.” Rory stood up from the couch. Aston didn’t release her hand as he joined her. “Are they always like that?” She motioned to Liam and Gabby, who’d gone from arguing to being locked in an intense kiss.
“We have to knock them on their butts often.” Tara used her power to make the floor roll beneath them. Sure enough, Gabby and Liam, too caught up in each other, tumbled to the ground. Instead of being mad, they simply laughed. Liam climbed over her, placing his hands on either side of her head.