“The dragon’s bond happens when a dragon’s spirit recognizes another kindred spirit. It usually only happens between dragons but has been known to occur on very rare occasions with those outside our race. The bond can form in many ways. With us, we’ve both experienced terrible loss that has left empty places in our hearts. Wounds. The magic in my spirit has bound itself to the wounds in your heart.” Kimba paused. She stared at Rory with her large, golden eyes. A single tear rolled down her scaly face. “It has done this in an effort to help heal those wounds. We will forever be kindred spirits, Rory, bound by those wounds and held together by my magic. I can find you anywhere. I will always be able to hear you through our bond. That is the power of being bound to a dragon. My fire is yours, my wings are yours, and my protection is yours.”

“And because of your bond with Kimba, you have the loyalty of all of us, Rory, Dragon Rider.”

Rory turned to see Sepheron, the leader of the dragon race. More than two dozen dragons stood behind him.

Even having lived among them for so long, the sight of seeing so many of the beasts arrayed in front of her was almost enough to make Rory turn and run. Her heart pounded in her chest. She looked from Kimba back to Sepheron. “Thank you,” she finally managed to sputter, though the words felt incredibly inadequate.

“It is us who should thank you,” the leader replied. “One day, Kimba will tell you how you have saved her as much as she saved you.”

Rory’s head whipped around to look at her dragon friend. “What’s he talking about?”

Kimba’s muzzle rose into the air. “Now is not the time for that tale. You have business elsewhere, and time is fleeting. You must find Aston as quickly as possible. But I will explain everything when the time is right.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Rory said, pointing a finger at the dragon.

Kimba bowed her head. “I’ve no doubt you will.” Then Kimba looked at her king. “Thank you, Sepheron.”

Rory didn’t hear his response. She felt a tremendous gust of wind behind her and spun to see the thunder of dragons leap into the air. They hovered for a moment in the sky, their massive wings flapping, sending gusts of wind down that buffeted Rory’s body. The leader tilted his long neck back and roared, the sound vibrating Rory to her bones. Then, he turned and shot up straight into the sky as gracefully as a fish would move through water. Rory stumbled as the rest of the dragons followed suit, and she felt Kimba’s head pressed against her, steadying her before she fell.

When the beasts were merely specks on the horizon, Rory let out the breath she’d been holding. She straightened her black sweater and shifted the pack on her back. It held the rest of her clothes, along with some food and water. She’d not brought much into the dragon realm and was leaving with just as little. “Okay. I have no words for what just happened. And I have no time to digest the fact that you and the dragon race have just become my official sponsors.”

“We should get shirts made,” Kimba said.

“You’d look ridiculous in a shirt.”

“I think the right color would go nicely with my scales.”

Rory laughed. “Last time I checked, T-shirts don’t come in XXXXXXXL.”

Kimba’s massive tail came around and nudged Rory on the back and toward the portal. “Quit stalling and go get your male.”

Rory stepped toward the portal and huffed. “Bossy,” she muttered. She took a few more slow steps, then hesitated at the boundary that would take her to the human realm. She tried to muster the courage to step through, but found her feet wouldn’t move. Seconds ticked by.I cannot do this.Rory wasn’t sure if she was more scared of never seeing Aston again, or actually finding him on the other side. After a minute passed, she heard a sound behind her like the clearing of a throat … if the throat was contained within a huge scaly neck. Rory turned and sprinted back to Kimba. The dragon lowered her head, and the witch wrapped her arms around Kimba’s neck. She squeezed and held on tight. Her voice shook. “Thank you, Kimba. Thank you for everything.” Her tears fell and glistened on the dragon’s scales, the sunlight making them sparkle.

“Go, little witch,” said Kimba. Rory nodded and released the dragon. She drew in a deep breath. Then, without another word, without thinking—because Rory knew if she thought about what she had to do, then she would never have the strength to do it—she released Kimba and charged toward the portal. With a cry, Rory leaped and flew through the air. The safety represented by the dragon realm, and the security and love given by Rory’s only friend, disappeared behind her.

“URGH.” Rory bellowed as her feet connected with the ground—the ground of the human realm. Something inside of her tore, like a seam being ripped in half. She swallowed and forced her lips closed. The sensation was like flames burning down her throat and into her stomach. She took a deep breath as anger boiled up within her, threatening to burst out of her in a roar. Every hopeful feeling she’d just experienced was burnt to a pile of ash in her mind.

“What the actual hell?” she bit out through clenched teeth. “The darkness inside of you wants dominion.”Rory closed her eyes as Kimba’s words filled her head. Rory saw the darkness advancing on her, threatening to engulf her like a black hole. “No!” She clenched her fists at her sides. “Think, Rory. Think, dammit!” She brought up Aston’s face in her mind and latched onto his features. She grabbed hold of the feelings from their soul bond that had so often wrapped her in warmth. “Thisis what you want,” she told herself. “Not the darkness. You want this feeling—this and nothing else.”

“Do you always talk to yourself?”

Rory’s eyes snapped open. She heard a male’s voice, and it wasn’t Aston’s. She turned her head slowly until the owner of the voice came into view. “Who the hell are you?” Perhaps she should have been nicer to the stranger, but an epic battle between good and evil was waging inside of her. It would be a miracle if she didn’t come across as a psychopath. Judging by the look on the dude’s face, she was failing epically.

“I’m Tucker.” He stepped toward her.

She held up her hand. “You can stop right there, Tucker.” She said his name sharply and narrowed her eyes at him.

He held up his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She snorted. “I’m not worried about that. But you better explain what you’re doing in Devil’s Heart.”

He smiled, and she had to admit he was handsome. “Would you believe me if I said I was picking flowers?”

Rory didn’t take her eyes off of him. “There are no flowers to pick. Try again.”

“Out for a relaxing stroll?”

“In the middle of nowhere? Not buying it. Next.”