Aston's hand reached up and cupped her face. His touch was warm and gentle. The only kind of touch she could remember in her life was Kimba’s. She couldn’t recall the last time someone had embraced her or even looked at her with adoration, like Aston did now.

“Please,” she said again.

He clenched his jaw, and a pained sound emanated from his chest. Rory could see he was about to shake his head no. So she rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. He was still, not joining in, though he didn’t push her away.

The tears that had been building began to fall from her eyes. Rory pressed her body closer to his, seeking out his warmth, needing him to accept her, to hold her, to make her whole. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Aston wrapped his arms around her. She moaned and sank into him.

His tongue brushed against her lips, and she parted them as he deepened the kiss.

He pulled back until their lips barely touched, his hands rubbing up and down her back. “Please don’t hate me for this.”

She frowned. “Why would I hate you?”

“I feel like I’m taking advantage of the situation, and I never want you to think that I would do such a thing.”

“Kimba said we’re meant for each other. Destined to be together. You feel that, right?”

“You know I do,” he said as he pressed his forehead to hers.

“Then there is nothing wrong here. We are bound tighter than any normal couple.” She took his hand and led him further into the cave, to the thick blankets that made up her bed on the floor.

Aston didn’t stop her as she pulled his shirt over his head. He took over undressing himself, all the while kissing and touching her.

As they laid down on the stack of blankets and his body covered her own, Aston looked deep into her eyes. “You’ll never be alone again.”

Tears continued to fall from Rory’s eyes as he made love to her. But not the tears of sadness or anger or fear that she’d cried so many times. These were tears of joy. These were tears that seemed to wash away a little of the darkness living inside of her. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to let go of who she had become. She didn’t know if it was even possible. But because of Aston, for the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope.

* * *

“Are you sure you’re ready?”Liam asked Gabby as she stood at the foot of his bed. A few days had passed since the funeral of warriors, and she’d done a lot of soul searching. She and Liam had spent hours talking and holding on to one another as they considered what was to come.

They’d even talked about completing the soul bond between them, but up until that morning, she’d been hesitant.

“Yes,” she answered. Her voice was sure and steady.

“Why now?”

Her mouth dropped. She hadn’t expected him to ask her any questions. Liam hadn’t hidden his desire for her, though he hadn’t pushed her either.

“Because I love you.” It hadn’t been something she’d just suddenly realized. It was something that had grown, day by day, since that night in her room when she’d held a dagger to his throat. One moment at a time he’d shown her over and over that she mattered to him. Liam had proven with his actions, not just his words, that he wanted her, that she was important to him, and that he loved her. “And I believe you love me.”

His eyes softened as he walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and his skin was soft, though his muscles were firm. She felt safe when he held her like this, like nothing could touch her or hurt her.

“I absolutely do,” he said with a smile that lit up his bright blue eyes.

She started to pull back and lift her shirt, but he stopped her.

“Let me?”

A small smile lifted her lips. Liam liked taking care of her. It seemed to bring him satisfaction. “Okay,” she said as she lifted her arms for him as he pulled her shirt up.

She was surprised she wasn’t embarrassed with him. He made her feel so beautiful, and she could sense the bond growing stronger with every kiss and every touch.

“My beautiful, amazing mate,” he whispered against her lips as he laid her on the bed.

Her skin heated up as the fire grew inside of her, but then Liam cooled her with a push of his own power through their bond.

As their bodies connected, Gabby could see the blue strands of his magic wrap around the red strings of her own, connecting their hearts.