“Why?” he asked, sounding offended, though the laughter in his eyes betrayed his voice.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because it’s only been three days since we talked and instead of knocking on my door like a normal person, you broke in, in the middle of the night, and climbed into my bed”—she put her finger over his mouth when he started to speak—“while I was in it.”

His eyes took on a laziness that made him look sensual, and his lips kicked up in a crooked smile. “Okay, so maybe that was a little rash.”

“A little?”

Liam lifted his hands and cupped her face. “I missed you,” he said, staring into her eyes. “I wanted your attention.”

“I guess you got it.”

“Damn right, I did.”

Gabby shook her head at him. “Are you sure your parents didn’t drop you on your head when you were a baby?”

“I am sure of no such thing, and if they did, it probably did me some good. I might be a stalker if they hadn’t.”

“You think you’re not a stalker?” Gabby laughed. “Dude, you could write the handbook on stalking.”

“I’m a man who knows what he wants and whom he wants,” he said shamelessly. “And I wasn’t about to lose you to some other idiot.”

“Liam, I’ve never been pursued by a guy. Ever.”

“That’s because they’re terrified of you. You’re hot and intimidating,” he told her.

“But you weren’t intimidated?”

He shook his head. “Not a chance, baby. That shit is sexy as hell.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “Your mother never washed your mouth out with soap either.”

“I’ve heard you curse, babe. You can hold your own with the best of them. Don’t even act like you’re all prim and proper. Besides…” he said as he leaned closer to her. He’d yet to drop his hands from her face. “I don't want prim and proper. I want a hellcat.”

She stared at him, unable to process that this crazy, handsome, and no doubt unstable man wanted her.

“Gabby,” he said quietly as he leaned even closer, “I want to kiss you.”

Her eyes widened, but she didn’t try to pull away from him. Did she want him to kiss her? Yes. Yes, she did. But what would happen? Would the world cease to exist as she knew it? Because it sort of felt like it would.

His lips were a hair’s breadth away from her own. She could practically feel the heat from them.

“Do you want me to stop?” Liam asked. His lips brushed hers as he spoke, and electric shocks shot through Gabby’s body.

Different parts of her body came alive, as if the nerves had been asleep and had suddenly awoken. Liam's hands against her back felt as if they were branding her as his. Her stomach did flips as he pulled her closer.

“Gabby,” he spoke again.

“Yes?” She breathed out, unable to process anything because she was on sensory overload.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No,” she answered. And it was the truth. She’d never wanted anything more than to have Liam kiss her.

He closed the small distance between them, and though Gabby knew it took less than a second, it felt as if it was longer before his lips pressed firmly against hers.

All at once, her world turned upside down. Everything she thought she knew fell away, and all that was wrong became right. It was a kiss, she thought, just a kiss, and yet it was so much more.

Goosebumps rose on her arms as his fingers trailed down her spine. She felt his tongue brush against the seam of her closed lips. Gabby didn't think, she just parted her lips and granted him the access he desired.