“Maybe, but humans are ingenious when they want to be cruel. It probably wouldn’t take a team of human scientists long to build an escape-proof sprite cage.”
“Hmm,” grunted Tara after a few moments.
“I’m not going to lie, Tara,” Elias said as he walked over to her. “I was scared out of my mind that I wasn’t going to be able to keep you safe.”
“I know,” she admitted. “I felt it. And I was trying hard to stay safe so you wouldn’t have to worry. I was terrified that if you got distracted, something would happen to you. And I honestly don’t know how I would handle that.”
Elias wrapped his arms around her and pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you,” he said quietly with an intensity that still baffled her.
Tara didn’t understand how he could feel such adoration for her. And she knew he did, not just because he told her, but because she felt it through their soul bond. It was something she was still getting used to, and honestly, she didn’t know if she would ever get used to it.
“I love you, too,” she said as she hugged him back. Tara closed her eyes and let his warmth surround her, taking comfort in his familiar scent. He’d become so much to her in such a short amount of time. Tara couldn’t imagine how she would feel about him in ten or twenty years. If they got that many together. She honestly wasn’t sure if that was a possibility given the danger that they were facing.
“Let’s get some rest,” Elias said as he stepped back and took her hand. He led her to the bed and pulled back the covers. Still holding her hand as she climbed in. He turned off the lights and then settled in next to her pulling the covers up over them. She didn’t have to wait long before he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him. Elias buried his face into her neck and pressed a kiss there. “Sleep tight, love,” he whispered.
She snuggled back into him and let out a deep sigh. Even in the midst of all that was happening around them, Tara had never been more content.
Chapter 11
Tucker paced the corridor just outside of Viscious’s dungeon. Okay, so it wasn’t a dungeon per say, but it sure felt like one. Stone walls and corridors illuminated by torches instead of electric light created dancing shadows that gave the place an ominous feel. Then again, what did he expect from the dark fire king, floral patterns and an open floor plan?
Tucker knew the king wouldn’t be happy to see him. He was supposed to be out doing dark acolyte things, which mainly consisted of finding Marks and trying to persuade them of the benefits of aligning themselves with dark elementals before the light elementals could get their rainbow-colored hooks into them.
It had been a while since he’d been required to hunt because he’d been assigned to Tara Thompson. Viscious had known she would be a soul bonded and somehow, through the witches, had found out that if she met her mate, then the power of the curse would begin to weaken. And that had been exactly what happened.
Tucker had failed at his mission, and he’d been severely punished. The problem was, no matter how angry the dark fire king was at him, and despite the fact that Tara was with Elias, Tucker still wanted her. If he could kill Elias, Tara’s soul would have no light to anchor her. Then she would easily be taken over by the dark elemental power.
The door to Viscious's office opened. One of the dark fire king’s diminutive minions, a fire pixie, stood in the doorway. They were very rare and almost always on team darkness.
“My lord will see you now,” the pixie said.
Tucker straightened and pulled back his shoulders, preparing himself for the ass chewing he was about to get. But maybe after Viscious reamed him, Tucker would have the opportunity to present his plan.
The dark king sat at his large, polished black desk. The monstrosity was a work of art. Made from black marble, red flames traveled up each leg. They burned without causing any damage. Carved into the trim of the desk were different fire symbols, wards preventing portals being opened inside Viscious’s office. Apparently, once upon a time, he’d had an unwanted visitor. It hadn’t ended well for that guest.
“Why are you here, instead of out doing what you’ve been assigned to do?” Viscious asked. His eyes were full of bright orange flames lined in blue. A sure sign he was pissed. Tucker might be lucky enough to make it out un-singed.
“I want to right my wrong,” Tucker answered. He forced his voice to remain steady. The last thing he wanted Viscious to see in him was weakness. If the king detected even a minute amount, he would pounce and exploit it until Tucker felt about an inch tall.
“She is already with her soul bonded. Short of a miracle, there is nothing you can do to right it.”
“Forgive my impertinence, my lord,” Tucker said, nearly gagging on the words, “my lord.” He hated addressing Viscious with such respect, especially after the king had chewed him up one side and down the other. “But there is a way we could ensure that Tara would switch sides.”
Viscious stared at him for several minutes before finally saying, “Go on.”
“Her soul bonded needs to die. Once he’s gone, her soul will be incomplete again and easily swayed.”
“And how exactly do you propose killing the male of a soul-bonded couple?” he asked, narrowing his eyes on Tucker. “Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that they are much more powerful than normal, non-soul bound elementalists.”
“I am aware,” Tucker bit out through clenched teeth. “But they are not invincible. With enough dark elementals, they could be overwhelmed. Especially if her mate was distracted with trying to keep her safe while he attempted to fight off so many opponents.”
Viscious stood and walked around his desk. He paced slowly, his hands steepled against his chin.
Tucker wanted to tell him to hurry the hell up and make a decision, considering he’d heard there were light elementals all over the freaking world attempting to keep things running as the temperature rapidly dropped.
No one knew why the seasons were suddenly jacked up, at least no humans did. Tucker had been watching the news, but the scientists studying the phenomenon were all baffled.
Of course Tucker knew it had something to do with the elementals. Duh. But he wasn’t privy to the inside knowledge of the royals, so, he honestly knew little more than the humans.