Osiris nodded slowly. “You are correct, my dear. I have no desire to have my existence ended.” He smiled and the darkness in it was disturbing. “I will admit things have been getting rather boring lately. Dolion has at least added some excitement to my existence.”
“It seems like an awful high price for some entertainment,” Aviur pointed out.
Osiris shrugged. “Where’s the fun if there is no risk?”
“I think risking all of humanity is a bit too much,” the fire king challenged.
Kairi folded her arms across her chest and began tapping a foot. Her lips were pursed and her eyes swirling blue like an agitated ocean. Nasima could see the water queen was growing tired of standing there talking to Osiris. “Could we please get back to the part where you want our help, and we want our mates?” Nasima asked, attempting to keep her temper in check. The air picked up around them, which meant she wasn’t doing a good job of it. Her emotions were all over the place as she thought about Beval being in the underworld, enduring that horrible place.
“Is that your price?” Osiris asked. “You will help me banish Dolion in exchange for the return of your mates?”
“Unharmed,” Aviur added. “If they are returned in less than perfect condition, then we will wage war on hell.”
Nasima nodded her head before Aviur had even finished speaking. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for her mate. Without him her existence would be bleak and empty. And if her emotions were ever damaged to that extent, the world would be taken over by natural disasters such as tornadoes, tsunamis,and fluctuating temperatures. The earth would be unable to withstand the icy temperatures her sorrow would bring. “I cannot guarantee that because I have no idea what Dolion has done,” Osiris argued.
“He is a demon under your command. You are held somewhat responsible for his behavior,” Nasima said. Her clenched fists were at her sides.
“All I can do is give my word that once I retrieve them, they will be treated respectfully.”
Nasima looked at Aviur and Kairi, and the other two royals nodded. It was the best they were going to get.
“Fine,” Nasima huffed. “What do we need to do in order to trap Dolion and cast him into the pit of hell?”
“Unfortunately, that is something I still need to figure out,” Osiris admitted. “I wanted to secure your agreement to help first, but as soon as I have a plan, I will contact you. In the meantime, I will work on getting past the wards Dolion has set so that I can get your mates free.”
“Thank you,” Nasima said, something she never dreamed of telling the lord of the underworld.
Without another word, Osiris opened a portal and walked through it.
“Well, that was not what I expected,” Kairi said.
“I can’t believe he didn’t know our mates were in the underworld,” Nasima said. She stepped back and leaned against a tree. She missed her mate. And she knew her emotions were having an effect on the already plummeting temperatures.
“I am surprised by that as well,” Aviur said. “It’s actually quite disconcerting to know Osiris can lose control of his demi-lords if they find a way to gain power. Osiris at least understands why the rules are in place and keeps order. Other demons crave power so much they don’t care about the rules or stop to consider why they are in place to begin with.”
Nasima didn’t want to think about what would happen if Dolion succeeded in whatever plan he had to overthrow Osiris and take over hell. It just could not be allowed.
“It would be helpful if we could do some research on Dolion and the other upper-level demons,” Kairi suggested.
“I agree. But we already have so much going on. I don’t know if it would be wise of us to take off to … I’m guessing to the Vatican?” Nasima said.
“They would have the most extensive records,” Aviur replied. “Even if they won’t admit it.”
“I’m sure we can sway the pope to allow us to view thenon-existentrecords,” Nasima said.
“Perhaps we don’t all need to go,” Kairi said. “One of us should stay and check in on the teams to see how things are going and make contact with some of the elementals in the trouble areas.”
“That’s a good idea,” Nasima said and Aviur nodded.
“Should we draw straws?” the fire king asked.
None of them liked going to the Vatican, and they only visited when it was absolutely necessary. They were nature elementals. Being stuck in a dim library, surrounded by walls, was not something any of them enjoyed.
“I’ll go,” Nasima volunteered.
“I will join you,” Aviur said. “If it winds up taking longer than a day, we can rotate.”
Nasima and Kairi agreed.