Chapter 10
“Are you ready for this?” Nasima asked Aviur and Kairi as they stood outside of Terra Academy. The lord of the underworld had said he would be meeting them at dusk, but the sun was setting, and he was nowhere to be found. Nasima was surprised he was running late. According to Jax and Zuri, Osiris had been quite firm about them showing up at the appointed time.
“Is anyoneeverready to have a chat with the lord of darkness?” Aviur asked.
“Good point,” Kairi said.
“I just want to know why he would come to us for help,” Nasima said. “Never in the history of the world has Osiris sought out the help of beings of light.”
“I need your help because there is no one else who can banish a demi-lord into the pit of fire.”
The royals turned at the sound of the dark voice. Osiris stood, leaning his shoulder against a large tree, looking for all the world like he was only there to exchange pleasantries about the weather.
Nasima narrowed her eyes at him. “Why should we help you, especially when you have our mates?” When his eyes widened briefly, Nasima wondered if he was truly caught off guard by the information or if he was just playing them. How could he not know their mates were in the underworld? Didn’t he know everything that happened in his realm?
“Why do you seem surprised by that question?” Aviur asked, obviously having the same concerns as Nasima.
“How could the lord of the underworld not be aware that there were beings of light, not to mention powerful ones, in his realm?” Kairi said as she took a step toward him, her voice low and her eyes narrowed.
“I am not omniscient,” Osiris snapped. “And I’ve recently discovered there exists a place in my realm that has been warded by magic I am unable to break. I would be willing to bargain if your mates are indeed in the underworld, then that is where they are located.”
“If you’re not responsible for their disappearance, then who is?” Kairi asked.
“Dolion,” he answered. “He is the reason I am here. He is a demi-lord, and his power has grown unchecked as of late. According to an informant, Dolion has been working closely with certain powerful witches, using their black magic to increase his own strength.”
Nasima glanced at Kairi and Aviur to see if they showed any signs they knew of the demi-lord. Their faces were blank, so she schooled her own features.
“I can divine some of Dolion’s goals, but not all. I know, of course, that he wishes to take my place,” Osiris explained.
“Is that possible?” Aviur asked. Nasima heard the concern in his voice.
“No,” the lord of the underworld replied. “It would cause chaos, which would likely lead to my realm becoming uncontrollable. That is not something anyone needs to happen.”
Scoffs came from the elementals. “That’s the understatement of the year,” said Kairi.
“Dolion does not understand that I was placed in my role by the Creator himself,” said Osiris. “Which means I specifically have been given power to keep the demons there under control.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kairi asked, crossing her arms in front of her.
Osiris narrowed his eyes at her. “There are exceptions to every rule. You three of all people should know that.”
Nasima admitted they couldn’t argue with that. They’d seen plenty of rules challenged and broken in their long lives.
“The point is, Dolion wouldn’t be able to control the demons, or the underworld itself.”
“What does that mean?” Kairi asked, frowning
“The underworld is somewhat of a living entity,” he explained. “It has the ability to change and grow. If not kept in check, there is a possibility that hell could literally reign on earth because the power of the realm would be able to get through the gates.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Nasima snapped. “Since when is that a thing?”
“Theoretically, it’s a possibility,” Osiris amended. “Obviously, it’s never happened, but I would prefer not to test the theory.”
“Why wouldn’t you want hell to reign on earth?” Aviur asked. “That seems right up your alley.”
“Demons are like a bunch of evil, twisted toddlers,” Osiris growled. “It’s hard enough keeping tabs on them in a controlled environment. Do you know what it would be like trying to babysit them across the whole damn earth?”
Nasima shivered at the thought of demons roaming free in the world, completely unchecked by the rules set by the Creator. If Osiris wasn’t able to control them, there was no way the demons would stick to the rules. That made her realize something. “You don’t want to be destroyed,” she breathed out. “If all hell breaks loose, literally, the Creator will step in and destroy not only the demons, but you as well.”