Crap. She’d said that out loud. She was going to have to learn to keep her damn thoughts to herself.
“You just need to know that I’m not going anywhere. You aren’t going to chase me off by being mean. You aren’t going to get rid of me by ignoring me,” he said.
Did he just challenge her? Because that was not a smart thing to do.
“I’m not challenging you.”
“Shut the front door,” she growled. “Can I keep anything to myself?”
“I hope not,” Liam said. “You blurting out your thoughts is the only bone you’re throwing me, and I need all the bones I can get.”
Gabby grumbled. “There are so many things wrong with that sentence.” Why was she still pressed up against him? Why wasn’t she stepping away and throat punching him so she could test his theory?
“I hate to interrupt,” Professor Frost called from further up the mountain, “but I need you two to work through the whole soul-bonded thing a little later. Perhaps after we keep the volcano from cooking the whole island?”
Gabby started to step back, but Liam released one of her hands and put his hand on the back of her head. He held her still as he pressed his lips to her forehead. It wasn’t a quick kiss and it wasn’t soft. It was firm and long enough that it was clear he was in control of the situation.
She closed her eyes and let herself soak in the moment of tenderness. She had rarely experienced any tenderness in her life. She had rarely been touched in any kind way, and she found herself enjoying it more than she should. He finally dropped his hand and stepped back. He didn’t let go of the hand he’d been holding since they’d started up the mountain. But instead, he turned and started moving again, pulling her along with him.
They didn’t speak as they jogged up the rest of the way until they were standing beside Professor Frost.
Gabby looked up and was shocked to see how close they were to the top of the volcano. She could see the small eruptions that didn’t make it over the mouth of the mountain but fell back into the inner inferno.
She glanced at Liam and saw sweat trickling down his face and neck. She wasn’t sweating at all. She looked back at Frost and saw that the professor wasn’t sweating either.
Gabby realized they weren’t affected by the heat like Liam because of their affinity for fire.
“Are you alright?”
* * *
Liam heardthe concern in Gabby’s voice and forced himself not to wrap an arm around her. She cared. She might not realize it, but the look in her eyes made it clear that she was concerned about him.
“I’m fine, beautiful,” he said gently. What he didn’t say was that he was hot as hell and could seriously use a cold shower and not because he’d just been pressed tightly against her.
“Is he going to be okay being this close to the top?” Gabby asked Professor Frost.
Liam wondered if his face matched the shocked expression on Frost’s face. Gabby’s voice was firm and clearly confrontational, as if she planned to do something about it if he wasn’t safe.
Frost recovered more quickly than Liam did. “Not without help,” she admitted.
That had his attention as he turned back to the professor. “Um, what?” he asked as he felt Gabby’s hand tighten on his.
“You’re going to need some help protecting your flesh from the heat,” Frost told him.
“You didn’t mention that down at the bottom, teach,” Liam pointed out.
“I don’t have to disclose all information to you until I feel it’s necessary,” she said.
“It’s kind of necessary now,” Gabby said.
Liam wondered if she knew she sounded like an angry mate defending her male. He’d be lying if he said her protectiveness didn’t make him want to strut around like a peacock with its tail feathers splayed for all the world to see.
“You are correct, Gabby,” Frost agreed. “Itisnecessary. And you are the one who needs to give him protection.”
Liam felt his soul bonded go completely still next to him. He looked at her and saw that all of the blood had drained from her face.
“Me?” she asked, her voice quivering. “How am I supposed to protect him?Whyam I supposed to protect him? Why not you? You’re the professor. I’m just a student. I can’t protect anyone from a flipping volcano. I’ll be lucky to protect myself.” Her words came out in rapid-fire fashion, and Liam found himself completely enraptured by her combined anger, outrage, and worry for him.