One of the pair would volley a verbal jab, only to have it hit back at them with a retort from their opponent. It was kind of fascinating how they didn’t even seem to think about what they were going to say.
“How come Ra has never mentioned you?” Liam asked.
“Why would Ra mention me?” Gabby returned. “Ra and I don’t sit around and shoot the breeze. We’ve got other things to shoot. For instance, over-conceited, butt-munches like you.”
Tara winced, wondering if Liam was going to finally lose his cool.
“Sweetheart, you could try, but you’d never hit your mark,” Liam challenged.
“I’m pretty sure I’d have no problem,” Gabby said. “All I’d have to do is line up some pretty girls. You’d stop in your tracks and be easy pickings.”
Liam’s lips turned up a bit. “It takes more than a pretty girl to catch my eye.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Gabby asked.
“Like a woman who knows her mind and isn’t afraid to speak it. A woman who’s as fiery as her beautiful hair. A woman who can hold her own against me.”
Tara waited to see what Gabby would say, but the girl finally seemed speechless.
After a few seconds, she said, “Well, all right then. Have fun with that. I’m out.” She turned to Tara. “I’ll see you out there, yeah?”
Tara nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
Gabby grabbed her tray of unfinished food and marched over to the trash receptacle. Liam’s eyes followed. He didn’t turn his attention back to the rest of them until Gabby was out of the dining hall’s doors.
“That was interesting,” Tara said.
Liam’s lips turned up into a wicked grin. “That woman was made for me.”
“And on that note”—Tara said as she stood up—“I think it’s time for all of us to get back for the rest of our training.”
Once out on the field, Elias gave Tara a toe-curling kiss and then jogged off to his group. Tara walked over to Gabby, who was pacing back and forth and talking to … well … no one. At least no one Tara could see.
“Hey, Gabby. You okay?” Tara asked cautiously. In her experience, it was always wise to take great care when approaching a person talking to themselves.
“Yep, totally awesome,” Gabby said a little too cheerfully.
“Is Liam getting to you?”
“Is Liam the ridiculously fine blond god who needs his balls kicked up into his throat?”
Tara snorted. “That’s the one.”
Gabby shook her head. “He’s not bothering me a bit.”
“Uh-huh,” Tara said slowly. “You’re just pacing and talking to yourself because you aren’t at all agitated.”
“Spot on, newbie. I am fan-freaking-tastic. Let’s do this.”
“What exactly are we doing?” Tara asked.
“We’re going to fight like badass chicks and, if we feel the need, possibly imagine our opponent is a certain someone we want to kick the crap out of.”
Tara’s brow rose. “Yeaaaah, I don’t think I’m on board with that.”
“Tough titty. Put on your big-girl magic panties and get ready.” Gabby stopped pacing and started bouncing on her feet and punching the air as if she were Rocky.
Great. I’m about to become imaginary Liam fodder.