She shook her head. “It’s better if you don’t try to understand anything that comes out of my mouth. You’ll either hurt or exhaust yourself.”
“I find you fascinating,” he said.
“You’d be the first.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
She shrugged. “It is what it is. When I said I’ve never had a boyfriend, I wasn’t being humble. I’ve never gone on a single date with anyone. Never held a guy's hand, never kissed a guy. Nada, nothing, zero, zilch.”
“Why is that a bad thing?” Ra asked. “Is there some value in having dated a lot? Does it somehow add to your worth as a female?”
“It makes you a desirable female,” she said without thinking.
“So, because you’ve never dated, you feel you are undesirable?”
Tears threatened to form in her eyes.Oh damn, I am not going to cry.She refused to reveal any more weaknesses to Ra. But hearing him say the words she believed to her very core—that she felt undesirable—was like dragging a razor blade across her nerves. It hurt because it was the truth. Why else would she have never been asked out by a single guy?
“Every male in your school is a fool,” Ra said with a little growl. “But I am glad they were fools. Because it means they didn’t get to know you properly. They have not had the privilege of being the one to hold your complete attention. Although…” He reached out and wrapped his hand around her wrist and ran his thumb across her pulse. “I hate that it has caused you such pain. It hurts me to know their lack of interest has caused you to doubt yourself as a woman. There is nothing wrong with you, Shelly. And I assure you, you are very, very desirable.”
Shelly didn’t know how to respond to that. She was watching his thumb caress her skin. His touch was like fire, making her whole body toasty warm. To keep from blurtingthatembarrassing thought out, she said, “Would you please finish what you were saying about finding the girl who is your destiny?” She didn’t know if she wanted him to continue, but she needed to get away from the topic they were on, or else she was going to become a puddle at his feet and probably beg him to hold her. Not cool.
He stared at her for a few heartbeats, seeming to decide if he was going to force more out of her or give in to her question. Finally, he spoke. “What I was trying to say was that of all the times I’ve dreamt of the woman destined for me, she wasn’t so full of life. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t you.”
Shelly felt her heart speeding up. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? “You think I’m your destiny? And you believe there actuallyissomeone destined for you?” What guy thought that? Having a soul mate, so to speak, was something girls dreamed about. She’d never heard of a guy thinking there was one woman out there created for him. But then, what did she know about guys? After the short time she’d been in Ra’s presence, she was beginning to realize that she didn’t know a darn thing about the opposite sex.
Ra nodded. “I do believe there is a woman for me. And yes … I believe it’s you.” His hand tightened a little on her wrist, and she got the distinct impression he wanted to pull her closer. Shelly wanted that, too. “Why else would I be so drawn to you when I have never felt that way about any other female I have ever come in contact with in my life?”
“I don’t know,” she said, though she wasn’t sure if he expected an answer. “How can it be me?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Because I’m just me,” she said, a little louder than she meant to. Her breathing became erratic. Frankly, she was scaring herself. Shelly had never felt so insecure and unsure of herself as she did at that moment. She always portrayed a girl full of confidence. She had to because the life-sucking teenage girls in her school would attack like a pack of bloodthirsty piranhas if they sensed any insecurity in her or anyone else. She had to be strong, secure, and confident at all times, even when she felt none of those things. But Ra was stripping all of those disguises away. Not on purpose. But his simple words and presence made her question everything she’d thought she knew about herself. “I’m nothing special, Ra. I’m a small-town girl with anger issues. Oh…” She held a finger in the air. “AndI’m a pervert. I mean, seriously, I joke about sex like I know something about it. Of course, I know the mechanics, obviously—health class—but, I mean, I joke like I somehow have experienced it when I’ve yet to even been kissed. I am not for you because you deserve someone like you.”
“Like me?” His brow drew down deep. “Explain.”
Shelly couldn’t help but laugh. There was that bossy, sexy thing again. “Fine. I’ll explain. To put it bluntly, you need someone awesome … like you. You’re the type of person who demands people's attention without saying a word. They look to you for leadership simply because you exude a level of self-assurance few people have. I’m not sure how to explain it. But I do know Idon’thave it.”
“Then I will just have to convince you otherwise,” he said matter-of-factly. “You are more than amazing, little warrior.”
“You don’t even know me,” Shelly pointed out.
“Something inside of me recognizes that you are to be mine.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but he shook his head and her mouth snapped closed.
“Don’t argue. There’s no point. We live in a world where magic is real, elemental spirits are real. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that you are my soul mate and I am yours.”
She wanted that to be true. No, she didn’t know Ra, but she had instincts. And her instincts said he was a rare individual.A guy who would love someone with everything he was. He would put her before everyone else, even himself. And she hoped with every fiber of her being that what he said was true—that she was his and he was hers.
“This is heavy.” Shelly exhaled a deep breath.
“It is,” Ra agreed. His hand was still wrapped around her wrist, and he didn’t seem to have plans of releasing her anytime soon.
“Maybe we should get to know one another before we go declaring soul mate status and undying love,” Shelly suggested.
He smiled at her and her heart melted. Without smiling, he was something to behold. Smiling … at her … he was just …wow.
“You probably shouldn’t smile,” she said.