Osiris smiled, but there was no mirth in his eyes. “It has been averylong time since I’ve had a companion. It sort of seems like fate, don’t you think?”

“And what about what the woman wants?” Ra asked. “Does that matter to you? Don’t you prefer the woman you take as your own to desire to be with you?”

Now, it was Osiris who shrugged. “What does that matter? I can make her do my bidding. I can turn her into a lap dog if I so wish.”

Ra chuckled, but he had to force himself to actually sound amused. “Surely that isn’t what the lord of the underworld seeks in a companion. A woman who would crawl to him with a broken spirit? A woman who would grovel? I daresay you could find plenty of those around here, already. No, that doesn’t seem like your type at all, mighty Osiris.”

Osiris narrowed his eyes on Ra, scratching his chin as he did so. “I’ll admit you make a good point. A weak female would not befit one of my stature. She cannot be the queen of hell if she has no backbone.”

“Perhaps you should let her decide who she wants to be with,” Ra suggested.

Osiris turned to fully face him, his movements slow and deliberate. “You have interest in her for yourself,” he said, grinning. It wasn’t a question. “Is she yours already?”

“No,” Ra answered honestly. “She’s never even met me.”

“And yet you followed her into hell.”

“She doesn’t belong here. I wasn’t going to leave an innocent female to this fate.”

“How honorable of you,” Osiris spat. “Do you think that will endear her to you? Can you give her anything at all?” He took slow steps toward Ra as he continued to speak. “I can lay kingdoms at her feet. I can give her anything she desires. Precious gems, mansions, money, fame. All of it can be hers.”

Osiris made a good point. WhatcouldRa give Shelly? Would she even want him? They didn’t know one another. He knew he was drawn to her. Something about her called to him, but would she feel the same way?

And what if, after getting to know her, he didn’t even like her, let alone love her? What then? Would he truly tie himself to someone without knowing anything about her? Did that matter?

No, it didn’t. He wasn’t the type of person to leave someone in hell to be with the lord of all things evil, a fate worse than death. He wouldn’t do that to anyone. Hecouldn’tdo it. No matter what sacrifice he would have to make, he would not leave Shelly in the arms of a man—or demon rather—who would use her and eventually kill her. After all, what had happened to Osiris’s other women? He’d said it had been a long time since he’d had a companion, which meant therehadbeen others. Something had to have happened to them, and Ra didn’t believe for a second that they dumped the lord of the underworld and moved on to someone else. He’d believe that when hell froze over.

“Do you still want to let her choose?” Osiris asked, breaking into Ra’s thoughts.

“Will you keep your word and let us leave if she chooses me?” Ra asked.

A smirk appeared on Osiris’s face. “I always keep my word. I will let you both leave, but no one leaves hell without payment.”

Ra knew that was the case. He just had to figure out what he could give thatwasn’this soul. His ancestor had been adamant that he not give Osiris any of his soul.

“Then, yes, I want to let her choose.”

Osiris’s eyes narrowed and took on a quality that was so snake-like it was eerie. “So be it,” he murmured. “I must summon the dark elemental fire king. It is his spell that protects the girl, and only he can remove it.”

“There’s no need to summon him, my lord,” a gravelly voice said as a demon and a man appeared on the throne. The man Ra knew to be Viscious, the dark elemental fire king himself. Though Ra had never met him in person, his name often came up during lessons at Crimson Academy, and Ra had seen many pictures. Powerful fire elementals can change their form, of course. But this particular form of a man was one the fire king apparently used often.

“Beast,” Osiris snapped the demon’s name. “It took you longer than it should have.”

“I apologize,” Beast replied, though he didn’t sound particularly repentant.

“You’ve been looking for me?” Viscious asked. “I find this to be a happy accident, as I was hoping to speak with you. We have much to discuss.”

Osiris folded one arm across his chest and rested his chin in his hand. His finger idly tapped his lips as he stared at the dark fire king. “What could we possibly have to discuss? Other than the fact that you dumped a mortal female in my territory.”

“I do apologize about that,” Viscious said as he waved off Osiris’s statement. “But, I needed to get your attention. The human is but a means to an end.”

Despite attempting to stay fully alert to his dangerous surroundings, the fire king’s statement drew Ra’s full attention. He didn’t like the sound of Shelly being used as a means to anything.

“How so?” Osiris asked, his own attention clearly piqued.

“She’s an offering to you, of course. I need you to join the dark elementals in battle.”

“And why would I do that?” asked the lord of the underworld.