Collin wrapped his arms around his sister and gently said, “Shhhh. It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay. It’s too late for me. I’ve made my bed, and now I have to lie in it. But you have the chance at a real life, one free of the darkness we were born into. I want you to take it and never come back to London.”

They held one another for several moments before finally pulling apart. Both siblings wiped their eyes, and then Collin’s aunt walked over and gave him a hug. She whispered something in his ear, and the boy nodded. He turned to face the queen of air and nodded. “I’m ready.”

Aviur swiped his hand across the air, and fire appeared to rip a tear in the atmosphere.

Nasima looked at Danni. “I give you my word he will be safe. But I cannot do anything for your coven. You have meddled in something you should have stayed far, far away from.”

“I know. But it’s done, and I will deal with it,” the high priestess said.

Nasima gave a slight bow and then stepped to the portal. “So be it. Say goodbye to this life, Collin.” She walked through the portal and into the elemental realm, specifically, her own territory. She took a deep breath and stared at the castle she’d called home since the beginning of time. It seemed like things had been so much simpler in the beginning.

Her land was much like that of Dhara’s. Everything was green and full of life. Clean air, after all, was what every living thing needed to thrive. And her territory had always thrived.

“Wow.” Collin’s voice came from behind her. “This looks like something out of a fairy tale.”

Nasima turned to look at the wide-eyed human. He was grinning from ear to ear, and it made him look younger, innocent, and happy. The darkness that had clung to him was gone. His skin was brighter, as were his eyes, that she just now realized were a bright, vibrant blue. He was a handsome male. He looked older than his eighteen years. He’d already lost the boyish cheeks, and his face was chiseled. He was tall, with a lean and strong body.

“Welcome to my home,” Nasima told him as she held out her hand to her kingdom. “This is the land of the air elementals.” She started walking toward the front doors and heard the steps behind her as the others followed.

“Do all the elemental territories look like this?” Collin asked.

“They reflect our own mood,” Aviur answered. “For the most part, we try to keep them a pleasant place for the elementals to live, but even royal elementals have bad days.”

“Your home isn’t full of fire?” he asked Aviur.

The fire king chuckled. “I don’t live in the underworld.”

“And yours?”

“I have a bit more water than the others,” Kairi answered with a smile in her voice.

The large front doors of Nasima’s home swung open. She sighed as the familiar scent hit her. She loved coming home. She savored the familiar, safe sounds and scents filling her. Though she enjoyed being in the human realm because she was created to care for it, she still loved coming home to rest. Her peace was short-lived as she felt the emptiness left behind by Beval’s absence. Her heart ached for his return, and, though no one else in her realm would notice, she could already see the effect of his absence. The air wasn’t quite as crisp or the light quite as bright.

She led them to her favorite sitting room. It was pale blue. The furniture was white, as were the curtains billowing from a soft breeze coming through the open windows. The windows in her home were always open, even during storms, as she was able to keep the rain out with a thought.

“Please, make yourself at home.” She motioned to the couches and chairs in the center of the room.

One of the elementals who served in the castle entered. She was a tall, air elemental with long blonde hair. She wore a blue dress with a white belt.

“Cybil,” Nasima said. “It is good to see you.”

“My lady,” Cybil said as she bowed her head. “It’s good to have you home. Can I get you and your guests something to drink or eat?”

Nasima looked at the three and raised her brow in question.

Both Aviur and Kairi declined. When she looked at Collin, she couldn’t help but smile. He was staring at Cybil with his mouth wide open. Cybil looked quite uncomfortable as she fidgeted with her dress.

“Collin, would you care for refreshments? I’m afraid Cybil is not on the menu,” the air queen said with a small smile.

Collin cleared his throat as a blush ran up his neck and face. “My apologies,” he said as he continued to look at Cybil. “I’m good. And I’m sorry I’m staring. I just don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful girl.”

Cybil’s eyes widened.

“She is beautiful, but she’s hardly a girl. It would be much more appropriate to say woman,” Nasima said. “Though Cybil doesn’t look a day over twenty-five, she is much, much older.”

“Of course,” Collin said. “Forgive me.”