“Why do you care?” Collin asked as he looked over at the witch. “You didn’t care when Mom died. You didn’t care when Gran let that damn demon rip our mother in half. Why the hell do you care now?”
“You’re my brother,” she said softly.
“But power means more to you than family,” Collin said without venom. “Just like it did for Gran.”
Nasima saw the sorrow in the boy's eyes, and he suddenly looked much younger. “I am sorry for your loss,” she said. “Unfortunately where demons have trod, death always follows.”
Collin nodded. “My family knows this all too well.”
“Why do you live here if you aren’t a member of the coven?” Aviur asked.
“I just turned eighteen yesterday. I’ve been in my sister’s”—he pointed to Danni—“care since my mother died six months ago. I plan to move out as soon as possible.”
“That’s a very good plan,” Kairi said. “But I’d move the timeline up to today.”
Collin nodded. “That’s probably a good idea.”
Nasima took a step in his direction as she spoke. “If you help us, we will protect you.”
“NO,” Danni yelled. “You can’t keep him safe, not from this. Please don’t ask this of him.”
“You should have considered your brother’s safety before you started summoning demi-lords from hell,” Nasima told the witch.
“I was born into this,” Danni spat. “It’s not like I had a choice.”
Movement from the left made Nasima realize they’d forgotten about Ursula. “And where do you fit in all of this?” the air queen asked her.
The woman glanced at Danni, apparently asking silent permission to speak. Danni gave a nod.
“I’m Collin and Danni’s aunt. I will not give you my name. Names have power.”
“Fair enough,” Nasima said. “But why didn’tyoubecome high priestess? Is it your sister who died?”
The woman nodded. “It was, but I was not the one chosen for the position. And I didn’t want it.”
“I don’t blame you,” Aviur murmured.
Nasima turned back to Collin. “I can offer you protection in my territory if you tell us what you know.”
Collin’s eyes filled with interest. “Where is your territory?”
“It’s located in the elemental realm,” she said. “I don’t have any idea how long you would have to stay there, but you will be beyond the reach of any demons.”
Collin turned to Danni and then looked back at the queen of air. “What about my sister?”
Nasima shook her head. “I will not give protection to someone who has chosen evil. She must bear the consequences of her actions.”
“You can really keep him safe?” Danni asked. She was staring at her brother with so much concern Nasima found it hard to reconcile this woman who cared deeply for her brother with the witch who had greeted them earlier.
“I can,” Nasima answered.
“We all will protect him,” Kairi said.
Danni took a deep breath and then said, “Do it, Collin. Tell them, but you have to promise me you will stay with them until it’s safe for you to be in the human realm again.”
Collin narrowed his eyes on her and walked toward her. “I didn’t know you still cared.” His voice was rough with emotion, and Nasima felt as though they were intruding on a moment that should have only been between family. “I honestly thought I was just a burden to you.”
Danni wrapped her arms around her brother and pulled him tightly to her. The hold was one a mother would give to her son. Her shoulders began to shake, and Nasima realized the witch was crying.