Professor Bernhardt’s eyes widened as he looked at Ra. “You believe your ancestors will aid you somehow?”

“Yes,” said Ra.

“How will you find them? There are seven levels in the underworld. They are vast.”

Ra knew the professor’s concerns were legitimate. The underworld wasn’t simply a vast pit as some believed. It was an entire world in and of itself. Though vastly different from the up-world, it was nearly as large. Instead of being a spherical shape like the earth, the underworld was made up of seven levels. As might be expected, the lower the level, the darker its occupants.

“I have ancestors who were pledged to the lord at their death. Their souls reside in the underworld. They will help me navigate.”

Bernhardt looked anything but convinced. “Ra—”

“Professor,” he interrupted. “I mean you no disrespect, but I know more about the underworld than any professor at this academy.”

Bernhardt frowned and looked to the headmaster.

“It is true,” Headmaster Jeremiah confirmed. “Ra possesses the memories of all of the pharaohs in his bloodline. He has had contact with those in the afterlife, and they have shared their knowledge with him. I, too, am loathe to send anyone into the underworld, Bernhardt, especially a student. But Ra is safer there than any of us would be. Just because we have the ability to enter doesn’t mean we would be welcome. He may be.”

“Regardless,” Bernhardt replied, “this isn’t our fight.”

“It is, I’m afraid,” said Jeremiah. “We have definitive proof now that dark elementals of differing attunements are working together.” Bernhardt’s face darkened as he stared at Jeremiah. “This makes them all the more dangerous,” the headmaster continued. “As such, the academies must respond in kind. We will help our brethren.”

A door behind Headmaster Jeremiah’s desk opened, and Headmistress Talia entered. Her face lit up when she saw Ra. Ra knew she was the type of headmistress who saw all of the students as her children. And she often treated them as such.

“It is good to see you, Ra,” she said as she came over to him and gave him a hug. Ra didn’t return the gesture, as he wasn’t particularly affectionate and preferred not to be touched, but that never seemed to bother Headmistress Talia. Liam, who also knew of his secrets, said it was because of his bloodline. Pharaohs were considered deities to their people, and it was forbidden to touch them. Liam joked that Ra was just channeling his inner pharaoh. Ra ignored his idiot friend because he knew it was just a personality thing. Being touched felt like ants on his skin. So, Ra avoided it if possible.

“Whatever you boys are talking about, it must be quite serious,” she said as she took her place at her mate’s side. Jeremiah rested his hand on her back and pulled her closer.

“Ra is going to the underworld,” he told her.

Talia’s mouth dropped open. “Why?”

The headmaster quickly filled her in, and when he was finished, Ra was so tense he worried his grip would snap his bow in half.

“Shouldn’t you at least take another warrior with you?” Talia asked him.

Ra shook his head. “I don’t know how my ancestors would respond to another. I just want to get started. While we stand here discussing this, the female remains vulnerable in the underworld.”

Talia’s face softened. “You are right. Go, Ra. Get the human back and then return to us.”

“In the meantime,” Headmaster Jeremiah said, “we will meet with the other heads of the academies. The threat has become too great to ignore.”

Ra agreed. It was about time the segregation between the elemental academies ended. They were allies and needed to start acting like it.

“I will return as soon as I can,” he said.

Professor Bernhardt spoke before Ra turned to leave. “I will let your instructors know. We will work out a time for you to make up your classwork … assuming you return safely, of course.”

“I trust Ra’s abilities,” said Jeremiah.

“Thank you,” Ra said. He bowed to the headmaster and headmistress and then left the office.

Ra raced for the staircase leading to the deepest part of the castle. At the top was a locked door that would only open for a select few. Owing to his bloodline, he was one of them. He pushed past it and barreled down the many flights of stone steps, not even waiting for the door to click closed behind him. He took the steps two at a time as he descended. He heard the sound of whistling floating up from the lowest floor.

“Greetings, Ra,” said a creaky voice when Ra’s foot hit the bottom step. “Long time no see.” A goblinoid creature, it’s skin tomato red, stood in front of another heavy door.

“No time to talk, Zrag. Just open the door.”

“That’s no way to treat an old friend.”