“I’m not going to freak out. I’m not going to freak out. I’m not going to freak out,” Tara repeated over and over under her breath as she continued to watch Tucker make the water move. It was fascinating and terrifying at the same time. To know he was capable of something so incredible and that there were more like him out there in theworld.

“Can Elias do this, too?” she asked. She watched as Tucker made a quick motion with his hand. The water sucked quickly back into the flask with a quiet sloshingsound.

Tucker shook his head. “Not exactly. I have the ability to wield water. Elias uses earthmagic.”

“What does that mean? Uses earth magic? And how do you have these powers, and what in the hell does it have to do with me?” Tara realized that the freak-out she had been so carefully containing was slipping through her grasp. She was headed for a full-on break if she wasn’tcareful.

“Calm down,” said Tucker. His voice was soothing, and she found her breathing slowing in spite of herself. “You’re like us,” hesaid.

“No, I’m not.” Tara shook her head as if that would somehow make ittrue.

“Yes, youare.”

“I think I would know if I was capable of making water dance in the air. And I would definitely remember seeing wood nymphs dancing outside my window, or anything else weird like that.” She tried not to think about the fact that her body was impervious to injury or pain. Was that magic? It didn’t seem like something that would qualify as magic. It seemed like biology. Like she had some mutated genetics orsomething.

“Five years ago, you were made a Mark by Jax. He is also capable of wielding earth magic. Marking someone is like staking a claim. It means they plan to come get you when you come ofage.”

“Like kidnap me?” Tara’s eyeswidened.

Tucker nodded. “They want to take you and train you to use your magic to harmpeople.”

Tara didn’t know how many times she was going to have to say it to get Tucker to believe her. “I DON’T HAVEMAGIC.”

“That’s not what’s important right now. What’s important is you know the truth. When Jax Marked you, he put a protection spell on you. It was a way to guarantee that nothing will happen to you. It’s how they ensure they can continue to make their…” Tuckerhesitated. Tara couldn’t help but lean forward, breathlessly waiting on his next word. “…killers. The people who will serve them and do their dirty work. The spell prevents you from being injured in anyway.”

Tara’s heart pounded painfully in her chest, and she could feel a bead of sweat running down the middle of her back. How could he know about her ability if he wasn’t telling the truth? She knew that Shelly wouldn’t have told him or anyoneelse.

“You knew that part, didn’t you? That you couldn’t be hurt?” Tuckerasked.

“Of course I knew. How could I notice that I never got so much as a papercut? But why five years ago? What was significant then that Jax would Mark me or whatever?” She wanted to add “if you’re telling the truth and not just a nut job, but there was no point because there was no reason to lie about any of what he’d told her. Not unless he really was crazy and didn’t know that what he was saying couldn’t possibly be real. As logical as that sounded, it wouldn’t explain how he knew about herability.

“Your parents werekilled.”

“No. They died in a caraccident.”

Tucker shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry, Tara, but that’s not really what happened. I mean, yes, they were killed in a car accident, but someone caused it. They were killed by earth elementals, like Jax andElias.”

Tara stood suddenly and began to pace. That events of that night came flooding back, memories she usually kept tightly locked away because they were just too painful. “Did Jax kill myparents?”

“I honestly don’t know if it was him specifically. I just know it was his kind,” Tuckersaid.

“Why did they killthem?”

“Because they wanted you. You caught the attention of an elemental. They are able to tell when a person has the capacity to wield magic. Not all humanscan.”

“So, they killed my parents to make me an orphan so they could take me when I turn eighteen?” Tara asked as she tried to understand everything he was telling her. “And they want me because I will be able to wield magic, somehow, to make me a killer to kill what orwhom?”

“They’re building an army. There are two different kinds of elementals. Dark and light. And a war is on the horizon. Both sides are buildingarmies.”

“And Jax and Elias are on team dark?” She heard the doubt in her voice. She couldn’t see Jax and Elias as evil people. “And you’re, what? Teamlight?”

“I’m an acolyte for the water elementals, and it’s my job to keep ones like Jax from taking new Marks. It’s my job to keep you safe.” He reached out and took her hand. She stopped pacing and turned to face him. “You don’t belong with them, Tara. You belong withus.”

“I don’t even know whousis,” she said. “I feel like I don’t even know who you are, not reallyanyway.”

“I’m still Tucker. Just an upgraded version.” He smiled, his dimples making an appearance, giving him that all-American-boylook.

She slipped her hand from his and crossed her arms in front of her. “I’m having a hard time reconciling what you are saying about Elias with the man I know,” she admitted. “I just can’t see him killinganyone.”