“Oh, um, yeah,” Tara stuttered as she looked over at him. Her phone chimed again. She’d set it down on the table after reading Elias’s text. She picked it up and swiped it open, so focused on hoping it was Elias that she didn’t bother to try and keep her screen private. She saw a wall oftext.
This is Liam,one of Elias’s brothers. Yes, I snagged his phone. No, the wanker doesn’t know. I’m texting you because I care about him, no matter that he can be a complete ass. I need to make sure you’re not going to break his heart by hooking up with this Tucker guy he keeps going on about. I don’t know you, Tara, but my bro is crazy about you. Remember that while you’re on this date that is supposedly not adate.
Tara readthe text several times, her mind struggling to process the words. Elias had lied to her. He’d said that he was an only child. And she couldn’t believe his brother would send her something so blunt when he didn’t even knowher.
“Tara,” Shelly said, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m going to the ladies’ room. Do you want to comewith?”
Tara’s mind was racing. She slowly shook her head. Shelly frowned but then shrugged and gotup.
“I’ll be rightback.”
Tara didn’t see her friend leave. She was still staring at thephone.
“Tara,” Tucker said, “Can I talk to you? Inprivate?”
Tara turned to look at him, and her brow drew down at the serious look on his face. Tucker rarely lookedserious.
“Is everything okay?” sheasked.
“Honestly, I don’t know. But it’s reallyimportant.”
“Okay.” She stood up when he did and offered her his hand. Tara took it and let him lead her out of the gym and into the hall of theschool.
Tucker continued to lead her toward the rear of the school and pushed open one of the emergency exits. She sucked in a breath, expecting a blaring alarm to sound. She frowned when nothing happened. Tucker didn’t hesitate. He just marched through the door and out into the night. She followed him to a bench and sat down next tohim.
He turned his body toward her, took a breath, and let it out slowly. “What I’m about to tell you is going to seem crazy, but I’m asking you to have an open mind and hear me out. Can you do that forme?”
Tara’s heart felt like it was trying to climb out of her throat. Tucker seemed so sincere and earnest that she found herselfnodding.
“Thank you,” he said, sounding relieved. “I’ve decided to tell you this because of that text you just received. I’m sorry I read it, but I saw Elias’s name, and I knew you needed to know how dangerous he is. He isn’t who he says he is. Neither is the man who was with him at the jobfair.”
Tara’s stomach dropped.How would Tucker know anything about Elias and Jax?She already knew she did not want to hear what Tucker was about to say, but she knew she had to force herself to listen. She didn’t want anything to sully how she saw Elias, but burying her head in the sand was not going to change thetruth.
“The world that you know isn’t the only one that exists aroundus.”
Tara tilted her head. “Okay, totally not what I thought you were going to say. What the heck are you talkingabout?”
“I mean that humans aren’t the only ones inhabiting the earth. In fact, we aren’t even the first beings to inhabit it. There is an entire invisible, supernatural world living in secrecy all aroundus.”
“Supernatural,” she said slowly. “Like vampires?” Tara asked, wondering who the bigger idiot was, Tucker orherself.
Tucker shook his head. “No. Not vampires or werewolves or anything like that. I’m talking about elementals. Invisible beings that are the living manifestation of earth, fire, water and air—the four core elements that make up the earth. They can take various forms like sirens, golems, wood nymphs, and other beings that are a part of the natural world theyinhabit.”
Her eyes widened. “Wood nymphs?” Holy hell fire. Elias hadn’t been kidding. Or maybe he and Tucker were both crazy. Perhaps they were both in on this elaborate schemetogether.
“There are more but that’s not what’s important right now. Whatisimportant is that you are in danger. Elias and the elementals heassociates with aren’t good. They want you. They plan to kidnapyou.”
“No,” she said automatically as she shook her head. “No, he wouldn’t hurt me.” He couldn’t because if he was capable of that it would destroy her, of that she wascertain.
“I’m sorry, Tara. I didn’t know that you had continued to have contact with him after the job fair. I would have told you sooner to keep yousafe.”
“How do you know all this?” she asked, her eyes narrowing onhim.
“Because I’m a part of that world, too. I can wield water magic.” He pulled a flask from inside his tux and unscrewed the lid. He held his hand over the top and then looked at her. “Don’t freak out,okay?”
“I make no promises,” she said honestly. She was already freaking out. She just had a lot of experience keeping itcontained.
Tucker began moving his hand in a circle over the top of the flask, and a second later, water began to rise out of it in a steady stream. It continued to rise as he lifted his hand higher. Once all of the water was floating in the air, he set the flask on the table and began moving both his hands in various directions. The water began to weave and bob. It flowed in a circle, and when Tucker threw his hands outward, the water appeared to shatter like glass and spread into tiny droplets suspended in the air. Tara found herself reaching out her hand and poking one of the droplets. It moved slowly as if it were in a thick, viscousliquid.