Both you andTucker are my friends. There isn't anything for either of you to be jealousabout.

To her surprise,the text bubble immediately appeared on her screen indicating he wasreplying.

So,he’s jealous ofme?

How wasit possible for a text message to soundpleased?

No.I don’t talk to him about you. Idon't really talk to him atall.

Hmm,I like that last part. Can I at least get a picture of you in yourdress?

Tara smiled to herself.Maybe Tucker wasn't going to be the only one appreciating the view on dance night afterall.


You’re a cruel woman,and yet I just want more of you. What does that say aboutme?

I makeit a point not to psychoanalyze my friends. It’s disturbing and only confirms what I already know. People are nutters. Seen any wood nymphslately?

He respondedwith a meme of a person rolling on the floor laughing. And then added,I just spit coffee all over Jax. He might actually try and kill me. It was nice knowing you,luv.

Tara was grinninglike a fool as she read his message. She wondered what was different about tonight from other nights that he was able to take some time and respond to hertexts.

Has the emergency been resolved?

There wasa long pause before she saw the text bubble appear, and even after it appeared, it was at least two minutes before any text camethrough.

Not exactly.

Tara feltlike there was a world of meaning in those two words. She responded with,That soundsominous.

You have no idea.I’ve got to go. Sleep sweet, princess. I’ll be in touchtomorrow.

Stay safe.

Tara sether phone on the bedside table as her final text ran through her mind. She didn’t know what Elias did for TGTE. But whatever it was, she got the feeling safety wasn’t something he had a lot of controlover.

Chapter 20

Elias scrolled through his text messages until he found the one from Tara that explained that she’d been asked by Tucker to attend a school dance. There was no real reason to read it again. It hadn’t changed from the first fifty times he’d read it, and it wasn’t going to change no matter how many more times he readit.

“You ready?” Aston asked as a gentle breeze nudged at Elias’s back. He knew his friend wasn’t using his power on purpose. Aston was so in touch with his ability to manipulate air that it often reacted to hisintentions.

“I’m ready,” Elias said as he slipped the phone into a pocket on his cargopants.

Jax walked over and looked him in the eye. “Are yougood?”

He knew his mentor was really asking was if he was about to go postal over his soul bonded. Elias nodded. “I’m all right, mate.” He was a bloody liar because he was feeling everything but allright.

“Zuri said everything has been quiet,” Jax remindedhim.

“Yeah, I know. I’mgood.”

“He’s not good,” Liam said. “He’s pacing like a druggie looking for his next fix. Have any of you seen himsleep?”

“How the bloody hell would you see me sleep if you’re sleeping?” Elias bitout.

“We take turns watching you,” Liam said, his usual sly smirk inplace.