“Have I really accomplished anything, though?” Tara asked before she could stopherself.
Carol’s eyes softened. “You didn’t curl up in a ball and give up. After what you lost, I’d say that’s a huge accomplishment. And you haven’t killed Shelly. That’s also a hugeaccomplishment.”
Tara’s heart lifted as she laughed at her foster mom’s words. In truth, though, it was more of an accomplishment that Shelly hadn’t killed Tara. And maybe that’s what made it so funny because Carol knew it,too.
They rinsed their dishes in companionable silence and loaded the dishwasher. When they were done, Carol pulled Tara in for a quick hug and then releasedher.
“I hate to say good night when I’ve only just gottenhome—”
Tara held up her hand and gently interrupted. “You do not have to ever apologize to me for needing rest. You work toomuch.”
Carol sighed. “But I still feel bad that you’re alone somuch.”
“I’m fine, Carol. And that’s all because of you. Now go sleep. I’ve got some homework to do and then I’m going to get some sleep,too.”
“All right then,sweet girl.” Carol started off toward her room but then stopped and held up a finger. “Oh, wait. How did the dress shoppinggo?”
Tara felt her lips turn up in a grin. “I got a blackdress.”
Carol chuckled. “Really? I was thinking you’d go with something more along the lines ofpeach.”
“Har, har,” she deadpanned. “I swear you and Shelly are in cahoots with oneanother.”
“Naw,” Carol said shaking her head as she continued toward her bedroom. “We just know you. Sleep tight. Loveyou.”
“Good night, Carol. Love you, too.” Tara headed for her own room. Her feet dragged as she pushed open the door and stepped inside. Her eyes immediately homed in on the cell phone lying on her bed. The stupid thing was mocking her, she was sure of it. After simply staring at it for a couple of minutes, she let out a huff and walked over to the bed. She picked up the device and watched the screen come to life from themovement.
She had three text notifications. The first two were from Elias, and the third was fromShelly.
Elias:Not going to lie, luv, the jealousy is alive and well over here. Right or wrong, I can’t stand the idea of you with him. Please, promise me you will becareful.
Elias:And don’t let him touchyou.
Shelly:Either you’re busy or you haven't heard from Elias. Or I guess you could be lying on the floor in your house because a light fixture fell on your cranium and knocked you unconscious. If so, when you come to, please text me and let me know how your curious cat responded to your declaration … oh, and probably you should ice yourhead.
Tara rolledher eyes at her phone and sent her friend atext.
I love that in the whole light-fixture -hitting-my-head scenario, you didn’t bother to ask me to let you know if I wasokay.
The responsefrom her BFFF wasswift.
Because once youtexted me what Elias’s response was without prefacing it with “I’m in an ambulance” or “I’m at the hospital.” then I knew I would know that you were just fine. WHAT DID HESAY?
Your logic is disturbing.
He respondedto you by saying your logic wasdisturbing???
No,you dork! I’m saying your logic is disturbing in regard to me.Tara pinched the bridge of her nose and then added to the text before she hit send.He said he was jealous and asked me to be careful and to not let Tucker touchme.
The typing bubbleappeared and then a few seconds later, Shelly’stext.
Possessive.Yummy. Okay, now I can go to sleep. Shopping wears me out. See you when I seeyou.
Tara shookher head at her friend. It was only eight o’clock, and her normally crazy friend was going to bed because the shopping had worn her out. “What are you a toddler?” she muttered under herbreath.
Tara got her homework done so she wouldn’t have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend and then took a quick shower. When she climbed into bed, she decided she would return Elias’stexts.