The nymph nodded, and Zuri could see the understanding in the little being’s eyes. Wings rose from the tiny creature’s back. The wood nymph ran to the end of the branch and jumped. Her wings began beating and, in the blink of an eye, she was across the street, headed back to theforest.

Zuri sighed. The last thing she needed was a forest full of ticked off wood nymphs. She pulled out her phone and sent Jax atext.

You better not be having anyfun.

She didn’t haveto wait long to get areply.

I’ve takenout a rock troll, three harpies, and two dark airelementals.

She laughed quietly.

No you didn’t.

You’re right.How goes thewatch?

They are definitelyinterested in your girl. I just scared off an air acolyte. Have you been able to figure out why they are hangingaround?

Not yet.We are working onit.

Well,hurry up. This place isboring.

Be safe.


Zuri tucked her phone away,leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. She might as well get some sleep while things werequiet.

* * *

Tara lookeddown at her phone as she took a seat on the bench were she and Shelly ate lunch. It was the third text she’d gotten from Elias since he left, and she’d yet to respond. Each text had gotten a little moredemanding.

I’d really liketo hear from you. Could you please text me, even if you’re pissed atme?

Okay,so you’re definitely cross with me. Text me and tell me to pissoff.

Bloody hell,woman, you’re driving me mad. I need to know you’re all right. I’m not asking, luv. I’m TELLING you to textme.

“Wow, he’s getting bossy,”Shelly said from over her shoulder. “Just put the dude out of his misery and tell him you’re fabulous, you’ve moved on, and not to bother coming back.” Then she muttered under her breath, “Even if it is a big arselie.”

Tara sighed and decided she’d made them both suffer enough. She sent him atext.

I’m fine.I hope that everything is okay with you and whatever the emergencyis.

Within secondsof sending the text, she saw the bubble pop up that showed he was typing. A minute later the textappeared.

You certainly knowhow to make a man suffer. We have everything under control. I’m probably going to be gone longer than I’d originally thought. The problem is more extensive than werealized.

Tara frowned.What kind of emergency could they possibly have? Maybe some sort of toxin got into some soil orsomething?

I wasn’t tryingto make you suffer. I was just working through my ownstuff.

As she waitedfor the next text to come through, Shelly shoved a sandwich in herface.

“Eat or you’ll get hangry. I already have to deal with you being cranky as a part of your personality. I don’t need any other anger issuesadded.”

“Thank you for that glowing review of my personality,” Tara saiddryly.

Shelly shrugged. “I don’t blow smoke up your skirt because I wouldn’t be doing you any favors by lying to you. Noweat.”