“Will you make me a promise,luv?”
She nodded. She owed him a promise after her singing, princess gig and the animal digs she gave him in regard to hissanity.
“Don’t answer the door if someone knocks on it. Not while you’re alone,yeah?”
She frowned. Who would be knocking on her door that was dangerous? It was Buffalo, Kentucky not New York City. Her face must have made it clear she was skeptical of hisrequest.
“Humor me,” headded.
“Okay,” she relented. “I won’t answer thedoor.”
“I had fun today, even though for a bit there you thought I was not all with it. And before a storm tried to beat the shite out of us. I really like you, Tara Thompson. I like who I am when I’m withyou.”
She paused and bit her lip. “I like who I am when I’m with you, too,” sheadmitted.
“Good. Off with you.” He put the car in reverse and then motioned for her to go inside. “I’ll wait ’til you getin.”
Tara nodded and shut the car door. She made her way up to the porch and then turned back to look at him. His phone was to his ear and his lips were moving, obviously talking to someone, but his eyes were on her. His stare was the usual intensity, but it was also dark. She got a sense, as she had when they’d been driving back, that he was angry, but she didn’t understand why. When he winked at her, she gave a small wave and then unlocked the door and wentinside.
* * *
The day had been perfect.Even with Tara’s ridiculous notion about his so-called madness, being with her had been pure pleasure. And then it had stormed. Elias knew for a fact this storm was not the natural work of Mother Gaia, brought on by the changes in temperature and currents. Nope, this had been the work of several acolytes. They’d hurt Tara with the hail. He’d seen the redness and beginning of bruises on her skin. Everything in him was roaring at him to end those who had caused Tara’s pain. His hands clenched the steering wheel, causing it to creak under the pressure as Elias drove his car around the corner where he’d be out of view from Tara’s house. He’d just gotten off the phone with Jax, and the anger that had begun simmering during the attack was growing at a rapid rate. Elias had told his mentor about what had happened and told him that he planned to confront Tucker. Instead of backing him, Jax had ordered him to return to the academy immediately.He expected him to just leave Tara alone while Tucker was a danger to her? “Like hell,” he growled under hisbreath.
Elias’s hands clenched and unclenched as he tried to keep his magic under control. His soul was rebelling at the idea of leaving Tara. It had taken all his willpower not to follow her into her house. Spending time with her last night and today had definitely made the bond grow in intensity. Allowing himself to touch her,kiss her, even if it wasn’t on her lips, had only increased the need he could feel from his magic to join with her own. He hadn’t done himself any favors by not keeping his distance. But he didn’t regret it at all. He wanted more. He would always want more when it came toher.
The passenger’s side door jerked open, and a beautiful woman plopped down into the seat. Immediately, the entire interior of the car began to heat up, and steam fogged thewindows.
Elias’s mouth dropped open. “How are you doing this, Zuri?” Her hands were glowing. She put them together and the lightfaded.
“You’re welcome,” shesaid.
The car began to return to a normal temperature. “You’re welcome?” He raised an eyebrow. “Forwhat?”
“Your clothes are no longer wet,” she saidsimply.
She wasn’t wrong. His clothes, minutes ago soaked through, were now completely dry. He wasn’t a fool, though. Zuri had not just done him a favor. She’d been refreshing his memory that she was much older and very powerful. He could hold his own against her, but it wouldn’t be an easy battle, and he honestly didn’t know which of them would win. “Seriously, how did you do that? You can’t controlfire.”
“Of course, not,” she replied. “That’d be silly. I wouldn’t want to. Fire is entirely too volatile. Earth is reliable, solid. The earth is unshakable, just like mypower.”
“Okay then, explain.” He put out hispalms.
“That subject is too advanced for you. You don’t get to magma manipulation until your fourth year. And I don’t have time to even begin to explain it to you now. Jax is waiting for you at the gate in the forest close to Tara Thompson’s house,” Zuri informed him. “You are to go straight there,now.”
“Did he tell you what she is to me?” Elias asked through grittedteeth.
“Yes. I’m not terribly familiar with the soul bonded, and there isn’t much information in the archives about them. It’s as if all memory of them has been wiped from history,” she said. “Such a thing is very rare. Perhaps that is why there has been a steady increase in dark acolytes over the past century. The soul bond was meant to prevent the young elementalist from going dark. But you aren’t bonded yet.” Her words had a bite to them that made him want to lashout.
“You have no bloody clue what I am,” he barked. “Regardless of whether or not we’ve joined our magic, our souls, or our bodies, she is a part of me. Being away from her istorture.”
“You’ve had my class in withstanding torture. That was in your second year. You should be able to handle it. It won’t be pleasant. That’s why it’s called torture and not quiet meditation time or frolic-through-the-meadow time,” Zuri snapped. “Just because you areto be”—she emphasized those words—“her soul bonded, does not mean that you will always be what’s best for her at every givenmoment.”
“I never saidIwas what’s best for her,” Elias said. “I just…” She stopped him with a slash of her hand through theair.
“You just need to do what the hell you are ordered to do. Go to Jax. I will watch over your betterhalf.”
Elias sighed. He couldn’t go against Jax and Zuri’s orders. Not unless he wanted to face severe discipline and possibly have to go before the administration of the school. Those two things might keep him separated from Tara longer, and that was unacceptable. Elias climbed out of the car, slammed the door, and headed back toward Tara’s house. He cast a spell to blur his form so he wouldn’t be seen by the humans and jogged to the gate Jax had set up in the woods near herhouse.
“I figured she’d have to forcibly bring you here,” his mentorsaid.