“Of course,” Desiree said as she admired hernails.

Eric ignored her and kept talking. “Each guy will make a bet with their girl, and if all the guys win, not one or two, but all of us, then the guys get their winnings. So that means, if only one of the girls win, then the girls are the ones who get their end of thedeal.”

Each of the couples huddled together to discuss their bets. Tucker pulled Tara off to the side. His smile was gentle as he spoke. “We don’t have to make a bet if you don’t wantto.”

Tara frowned. “I am not a coward, and I don’t back down from a challenge Tucker Adams. Name your terms.” She folded her arms in front of her and raised her eyebrows athim.

He mimicked her pose and lifted his chin in challenge. “All right, tiny warrior. My reward is a kiss. If the guys win, at the end of the night when I take you home, I get to kiss Tara Thompson on her lovelymouth.”

“You make it sound as though it were some great honor,” she said, shaking herhead.

He simply shrugged. “What are yourterms?”

Tara tapped her chin as she thought about what she would want from Tucker. Nothing immediately sprang to mind. He was a nice guy and actually fun to hang out with, but the spark that she really wanted to be there, so far, wasn’t. Maybe if they kissed, it would trigger something more than just noticing that he’s a very good-looking guy. Because she didn’t want anything from him relationship-wise, she could only think of one other thing—manual labor. Carol had mentioned the gutters on the house needed cleaned out, and there were some tree branches on the roof that had broken off in the last storm that needed removed.“If I win, then you will have to do some work around Mrs. Carol’shouse.”

Tucker’s eyes lit up with mischief. “Why, Tara Thompson, are you just trying to see me in atoolbelt?”

She laughed at the ridiculous Southern accent he used and the outraged look, as if it were so scandalous. “If that’s what you need to tell yourself in order to get the work done, then so beit.”

After the bets were made, the rules laid out, and a sufficient amount of trash talk thrown back and forth between the guys and girls, the gamebegan.

Tara’s first throw landed two circles below the bull’s-eye. “Damn,” she muttered under herbreath.

They heard a cheer from the guys and glanced over. Bull’s-eye.

“Ugh,” Desiree grunted. “I hate it when they win. Jason will gloat about it for a week like he’s won a national championship orsomething.

“Same,” said Harper. Tara assumed she was talking aboutJasper.

Three games later, the girls still hadn’t won. Desiree threw her hands up in defeat. “All right, geez. Can the torture please be over? My arms feel like they’re going to falloff.”

“We win,” Jason yelled, hooting and hollering like a crazyfool.

By the time the game was over, the sun was going down, and Tara’s arms were stiff and would be sore tomorrow.Impervious to injury? Yes. To muscle fatigue?No.

“You ready to go?” Tuckerasked.

She nodded then glanced over to the others. “It was nice meeting y’all, and thanks for thegame.”

“You’re a natural,” Eric said, and Bethnodded.

Harper waved at her. Desiree, on the other hand, did what Desiree does. She gave Tara the finger. Tara shook her head and muttered, “Whatever.”

When they were back in Tucker’s truck, he reached over and snagged her pinky with his. They didn’t talk but instead listened to some country music he had turned down low. The windows were down, and the spring breeze felt good against herface.

“Did you have fun?” Tucker asked after they’d been driving around abit.

Much to her surprise she didn’t have to lie. “Yeah, I actuallydid.”

“You weren’t expectingto?”

She hesitated, not sure how truthful she should be. Tucker was a good guy, and she didn’t want to hurt him, but she also didn’t want to give up on something that at least had a chance. Elias had made it clear he couldn’t even give her that much. “I’ve just never dated. I didn’t really know what toexpect.”

“I’m glad I could give you a positive firstexperience.”

They pulled into her driveway, and Tucker hurried out to get the door for her. He helped her down and didn’t release her hand as they walked to the porch and then up the steps. The feeling of being watched came back full force, but she tried to ignore it and focus on the guy in front ofher.

“So, would I be right in assuming that if this was your first date, then this will also be your first kiss?” Tuckerasked.