“Ouch,” Shelly said. “Someone has been burned by a vagina. Best not jump this one, Tara-Bear. Brooding is hot. But brooding with past vagina issues is a no-go.”
Tara glanced to the side when she saw movement and caught Jax attempting to smother a grin with his hand. She was glad her friend was amusing him. It could be worse. She could be offending Jax, in which case they wouldn’t have a chance to work at this company, not that she was saying she wanted to work at the same company Elias worked for, butifshedid.
“I can assure you”—Elias spoke up, interrupting her thoughts, his voice practically purring as he leaned across the table toward her—“I’ve no issues with vaginas ingeneral.”
Tara’s brow rose at his words. “I can assureyouI’ve no interest in your issues or lack of issues with or withoutvaginas.”
“Could we please all stop using that word?” Jaxasked.
Elias and Tara both pointed at Shelly at the same time and said, “She startedit.”
She promptly raised her hand and sang, “Guuuuiiiiiltyyyy.”
Jax pursed his lips as he looked at Elias. “Really?”
Elias shrugged, not looking the least bitembarrassed.
Tara sighed. “Could you please just give us the personality tests, and we will be on ourway?”
“And we’ll take our vaginas with us,” Shelly added. “Vagina talk,” she corrected. “I meant we will take our vagina talk with us. Because obviously we can’t very well leave ourva—”
Tara smacked a hand over Shelly’smouth.
Elias smirked. “Are you sure she doesn’t need an offswitch?”
Jax held out two forms, and Tara took them with her free hand. Ignoring Elias she turned to the other man. “Thankyou.”
“I do hope you ladies have what it takes. Who knows?” Elias winked. “Maybe you’ll end up with me in the extractiondepartment.”
Unfortunately, Tara had already dropped her hand from her friend’s mouth. “I’ll extract something all right. Ouch!” Shelly yelped as Tara stomped on her foot. “What was thatfor?”
“For not having an off switch,” Tara muttered and then turned when she heard her nickname being called from behindthem.
Tara turned to see Tucker walking up to her smiling like he had a secret, or likeshewas his secret.What was up with this guy? Her attention was momentarily captured by the two recruiters. She could have sworn she heard both the recruiters… It was hard to say what they were doing … growlingmaybe?
“Hey,” she said to Tucker, but the word came out as aquestion.
“Found anything you’re interested in?” he asked, standing too close forcomfort.
“She might, mate,if she wasn’t rudely interrupted in the middle of a conversation with a recruiter,” said Eliascalmly.
“Oh, burn,” Shellywhispered.
Tara was so shocked by the abruptness of Elias’s tone that she turned to look at him. For once, his eyes weren’t on her. He was staring directly at Tucker. And though his voice had sounded harsh, the look on his face didn’t show anger. It simply appeared as though he was bored of Tucker’spresence.
“Yeah, sorry,” Tucker said, a sheepish smile spreading on his handsome face. “Gotta admit, I see Tara and everyone else just fades into thebackground.”
“You’re a little young to be declaring such deep affection,” Elias countered. “There are a lot of women in theworld.”
Tara felt as if he’d just slapped her. She wanted to tell him she wasn’t simply somewoman,but before she could react, Tuckerspoke.
“There’s a ton of rocks on the ground, but only a few worth taking home to put on your collection shelf. The rest you skip across the lake and let sink to the bottom. Tara isn’t a rock you tossaway.”
“Tara isn’t a rock at all,” Shelly quipped. When both guys turned their withering glares on her, she threw up her hands. “Justsaying.”
Elias took a step toward the end of the table as if he was going to walk around it, but Jax placed a hand on the younger man’s arm. “Think before youact.”