“We will get Shelly back, but I can’t lose you, Tara. You’re too vulnerable outhere.”

He carried her back into the mountain as the battle sounds went on behindher.

Once inside, he put her down and an arm was suddenly around her. She looked up and saw it was Ittera, theheadmistress.

“I will keep her safe. You are needed outthere.”

“Elias.” Tara reached for him. Despite her anger at him, right or wrong, for Shelly, she didn’t want anything to happen tohim.

“I will make this right,” he said as he cradled her face in his hands. “I’m sorry, luv. I couldn’t let you go. Icouldn’t.”

“She’s dead.” Tarawept.

“No, she isn’t,” he said, shaking his head. “He wouldn’t have put her in the underworld if she’d been dead. I can’t explain now, but I will. Just take comfort in this, sheisn’tdead.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Tara could feel his pain and remorse. He hated that he’d allowed her friend to be hurt, but she could also feel his desperation and absolute need to keep Tarasafe.

Tara pressed a hand to his face. “I’m pissed at you, but I can’t yell at you if you’re dead. Do not die.” She ducked her head as she said, “I wouldn’t be able to recover if youdid.”

“I’m not going anywhere, princess. I’ve got too much to live for. Besides, the best part about fighting, so I’ve heard, is the makingup.”

She lifted her eyes to his. His words were playful, but the look on his face was serious. “I love you,” he said. “And I will be back as soon as I kill Tucker. Then we will getShelly.”

He released her and bolted for the open door. Tara’s arms reached out for him of their own accord. Her stomach twisted in fear as he ran out ofsight.

“He will be fine,” Itterra said. “He is a very goodwarrior.”

“Is Shelly really alive?” Taraasked.

“She must be for the very reason Elias gave,” the headmistress answered. “Tucker is hoping to use her as a bargaining chip to getyou.”

“What if he dies? Whatthen?”

“Then the elemental who Tucker served will continue with Tucker’s plan and attempt to get you usingShelly.”

“Why do they wantme?”

“Because you are a soul bonded. If you do not complete the bond and do not join your soul with Elias, the darkness will consume you, and you will be a very powerful acolyte for the darkelementals.”

Tara closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. I would never dothat.”

“You wouldn’t have a choice,” Itterra said. “It would happen whether you wanted it to ornot.”

Tara couldn’t imagine allowing herself to be motivated by evil. But then she thought back to her parents’ deaths and remembered the bitterness and anger that had completely consumed her. If not for Carol and Shelly, she would have allowed those feelings to eat heralive.

“The battle won’t last long,” Itterra said. “We have the advantage. They are on our territory. The trees will help, as will the supernaturals that inhabit the surroundingforest.”

Tara closed her eyes and pictured Shelly’s face. Her friend who was so full of fight and life. The image shifted to Shelly’s motionless form being thrown like garbage into the portal that apparently led to the underworld. Her best friend was in hell, and Tara felt completely unable to do anything to help her. What was she going to tell Shelly’s parents? What was she going to tellCarol?

“It’s going to be all right,” Itterra said. “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but we will use every resource we have to rescue yourfriend.”

“But you can’t promise me that she will be okay. Unless you can see the future, you can’t tell me with a hundred percent confidence that you will get her back safely,” Tara challenged. “I have no idea if she’s in pain right this very second. She may be alive, but she could also be sufferinghorrifically.”

“She seemed like a fighter,” the headmistress said. “She will not giveup.”

“No, she won’t,” Tara agreed. But she also knew there were things worse than death. Shelly might live, but what would she have to endure? What kind of person would she be afterward? Tara didn’tknow.

Chapter 22