

“Key.” I lean into his side and try to calm him.

I’m not sure what happened, but something is wrong. It can’t be because we were separated and it’s driven him to this point. He left me at my apartment last night and didn’t lose it. I was only at work for a little over four hours, I think. I’m not completely sure since it’s easy for time to flash by when I get wrapped up in a project.

“Hold on, sweet girl,” he responds. The term of endearment sounds so out of place with the range of emotions swirling around him. I fight not to laugh because this isn’t funny to him. Whatever it is that’s happening is serious.

When we exit the building, Keaton’s vehicle is waiting. His driver opens the back door for us, and I go in first, with Keaton quickly following after me. The second the door closes behind us, I realize I didn’t grab my phone. I’m not sure if we’re getting lunch or something is happening that’s way bigger than I’m understanding.

Keaton closes the divider between us and the driver, and the second it’s closed, he’s on me. Well, actually he pulls me onto him, but still. He drags me across his lap so that I’m straddling his thighs.

“You can’t go back there.” I don’t get a chance to respond before Keaton’s mouth is on mine. His fingers tangle into my hair, and he’s pulling the hair tie free. My curls fall all around us, and he makes this sound that warms my body. “Years, Elsy. I could have been kissing you for years.” His mouth travels down my neck and then my jaw until he’s back to my lips and kissing me again. The longer we kiss, the more he relaxes. It might also be that the vehicle is moving away from JM Technologies, and he doesn’t want me there.

“We’ll make up for the time,” I tell him. “It might have sucked that we lost all those years, Keaton, but people search their whole lives for what we have. We’re still getting it at a very young age.” His hands slide down from my hair to my neck, and his thumbs tilt my head back so I can stare into his bright blue eyes. He’s not hiding right now, and I can see that whatever it is that’s inside of him is simmering at the surface. “You’re in control.”


“Then why are your eyes glowing that way?”

“Whatever this is inside of me, it craves you too.” A thrill runs through me even though I should probably be freaked out. When it comes to Keaton, all his actions, even the ones that piss me off, are always about protecting me. I’m not scared, I’m intrigued. I’m starting to think this isn’t something inside of him but something that’s now a part of him.

“But something changed. What happened?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t try to hide anything from me.

“I don’t want you working there.”

“Key, I’m not going to play that game with you. Give me a reason I shouldn’t go back there.”

“Gray, he’s like me.”

“Okay,” I breathe, trying to take that in. Was that why he’d been so weird this morning? Had he smelled Jade on me? Does he know about the girl who’s poking around in his life? I’m not so sure he does. “And that’s bad? If he has this too?”

I’m not sure JM Technologies is doing anything wrong, at least I haven’t seen that. Today is the first time in my life I’ve ever heard anything negative about them. Both JM Technologies and the Lone family have been known for all their advancements, which to my knowledge have always been for the benefit of mankind.

“I’ve been doing some digging, and I’m not so sure that JM Technologies is what it pretends to be. Not anymore, at least.”

“You think he’s selling things on the black market?” I ask.

“You put that together quickly.” He gives me a knowing stare. “Out with it or there are ways I can get it out of you.” His hand cups my sex and then he spreads his thighs farther apart, which forces mine to widen with them.

“That’s not fair.” I press down on his hand.

“When it comes to you, I’ll never play fair.” I’ve missed him so damn much. When he says things like that, my heart melts.

“The girl from this morning. You remember her?”

“Vaguely.” His hand slips up to my hip so we can concentrate.

“Really? Not only do you have all these extra abilities with heightened senses, and I know you’re a genius. Now you’re going to tell me you vaguely remember her.” When we were younger, I could almost swear he had a photographic memory. He absorbs information like a sponge.

“Fine,” he concedes, describing Jade to a T. He’d even noticed things about her that I hadn’t.

“Okay, but did have to look at her that hard?” I grumble.

“I said vaguely because to me that’s vague. If someone asked me to describe you, I can give them every detail down to each freckle.” Damn.

“All right. I’ll let that go then.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.