“Would Gray do it himself?” What other explanation could there be? From Keaton’s expression, I know that’s what he’s thinking too.

“This is why the project went on ice. What happens when someone who has no morals gets a dose of superhuman abilities? One second you think they’re on the side of what’s right, and the next…” He trails off, but I can imagine he’s thinking the same thing as I am. They’d be able to do some shady shit.

“Key, do you think he’d sell whatever this is?”

“Only if he learned to recreate it, but if Gray is playing dirty, I don't think he wants a bunch of super soldiers out in the world that can do what he can. Plus, if I’m right and it killed his own father, it’s too big of a risk to give someone else. There’s no research on why it affects people differently, but it’s a gamble when it happens.

“Russian roulette,” I sigh.

“Why sell that? Not when there are so many other things he could sell. If anything, I don’t think he wants anyone to know what he’s capable of. Including what he’s personally capable of with his own bare hands.”

“I’m sure those skills are rather helpful when you’re dealing with criminals. But I still don’t understand the why.” I stand from the bed naked and grab Keaton’s shirt from off the floor. When I pull it on, a low growl rumbles from him as I cover my body.

“And what is that sound?” I laugh as he rubs the center of his chest.

“I don’t know, but when everything around me became heightened that first day, all I could see or think about was you.”

“That’s sweet in a geeky science kind of way.”

“Come back to bed,” he tries to order, and his eyes flash to that bright blue. It makes my nipples harden knowing what he wants.

“I’m trying to think. JM Technologies is a billion-dollar company. Why would Gray even toy with the idea of playing on the black market?” What would be the point of that? There isn’t one.

“I don’t know, but he hates my father.”

“And you think those two things go together?”

“Honestly? No, he told me to mind my own business when I brought up that he’s been working with less than savory contacts recently.” I pause from pacing back and forth. It’s something I do when I need to think.

“When you changed, your obsession became me. What if his obsession became your father? Or his revenge against him.”

“That’s a possibility.”

“But he hasn’t done anything,” I point out. “I think if Gray wanted Dr. Lone dead, he could have done it by now and gotten his revenge. I think we need more information.”

“Elsy.” Keaton’s chest rumbles again. “You’re not—” He stops speaking suddenly as his head cocks to the side. “Someone is coming.” His nose flares. “The girl from this morning,” he says a few seconds before a knock sounds at my door.