It’s the first time she’s said the words out loud, although I know she’s loved me just as long as I’ve loved her. Hearing it now while I’m inside her is exactly how I always wanted this to be. My arms tighten around her, and I pull her to me so that I’m kneeling on the bed with her in my arms. I hold her there and then slowly begin to move in and out.

“You’re mine now, you know that, right?” I slide her up and down my cock, and her breath catches when I graze her clit.


“Say it, Elsy.”

“I’m yours, Key. I’ve always been yours.”

“That’s my girl.” I bend down and suck on her neck and then her tits as I keep moving her on my cock. “I never want to stop.”

Her pussy is so wet that every time I thrust into her, a loud slap of flesh echoes through the room. It’s erotic and feels like whatever this is inside of me is the one with the reins. I’ve still got control, but my body is charging ahead, and it’s determined to give Elsy everything.

When I grind against her clit, she calls my name and digs her nails into my skin. I want her to use me as her scratching post as that sweet kitty purrs.

My cock pulses, and then I’m pushing as deep as I can go while I cum. Her own orgasm is triggered, and we cum together, the two of us clinging to each other and the room filled with the sounds of our love.

I couldn’t have dreamed up someone more perfect, or a more perfect moment to share with Elsy. It’s everything I thought I could want times a million, and I never want this to end.

“Yes,” Elsy says, and I lean back to look into her eyes.

“Yes?” I’m smiling at her, but I’m not sure what she means.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Damn right you will,” I tease, then she’s smiling too as we kiss and begin to make love again.