

I pull my hair out of my ponytail and give it a fluff. I’ve changed my outfit three times already, but my nerves aren’t about my new job. If they are, it's only a small portion. All my thoughts are really on Keaton. He’s back. Not only that, he’ll be at my front door soon. In person.

When my alarm for work went off this morning, I got scared I’d dreamt it all. I cleared the annoying alarm and checked my texts, and there was Keaton’s name right at the top. He texted me until I told him I had to go to bed since I was starting a new job. I have no clue how I managed to get any sleep, but at some point, I must have come down from all the excitement of the night and crashed.

I put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss before I put the hair tie into my purse. Once I get into a lab, I’ll need to pull it up, but since Keaton is picking me up, I want to look nice. Maybe it’s a bit of a reminder of what he’s working for. Okay, and maybe I might want to tempt him too. I wanted to drag him into my apartment last night, but another part of me, the part that’s still scared of falling into him again, wanted to go slowly.

My eyes drift over to the box I set on my dresser. I’m torturing myself because it was so hard not to open the damn thing. There’s already been so much waiting, but again I’m reminded we need more time. There’s no reason to rush this. My heart and other body parts scream as I try to reason with myself.

I think a small part of me wanted Keaton to drag me back home with him and demand I never leave, but he’s scared of his own actions. That scares me too. If he thinks he can’t control himself around me, he might disappear on me again. My stomach turns at the thought.

A knock sounds at my door, and I grab my phone to check the time. Keaton was always early, but this is ridiculous. Maybe we can have a bit of alone time before breakfast. I think about all the ways I can tell him good morning as I make my way over to the door and open it.

“Missed me? I…” I trail off when I see it’s not Keaton.

Standing in the hallway is a woman who is even shorter than I am with jet black hair and glasses perched on her small, upturned nose. She’s in jeans and a blazer that are a bit too big for her. Freckles sprinkle her cheeks, making her look young.

“Elsy Harbor?” she asks, but I think she already knows who I am. Her chin tilts up, and her glasses slide back up her nose. Her shoulders draw back, and it reminds me of someone.

“I swear I returned those library books,” I tease and wonder if she lives in the apartment building and needs something.

“You think I look like a librarian?”

“In a good way,” I rush to say as she glances down at her outfit. That bit of confidence she had drops from her chin. “I always thought it would be cool to be a librarian.”

I really hadn’t meant it in a mean way. She’s actually quite adorable. “Me too,” I say, and she lifts her head as she smiles softly.

“But other passions called.”

“Right.” She nods in agreement. “The library will always be there, and maybe one day we’ll have stories of our own in them.” A whimsical expression lights up her face.

“Is there something I can help you with? I actually need to get to work and my—” I pause, not sure what to call Keaton.

“Your boyfriend? Keaton Lone, he’s coming? That’s who you thought I was when I knocked.”

“I wouldn’t call him a boy.” And how the hell does she know that? “What’s your name?”

“Call me Jade.” I wonder if that’s her real name or a nickname because her eyes are a dark green. “I saw you with Keaton Lone last night. I was actually going to come talk to you, but then I thought it might be best to come back.” Had she been outside my apartment last night waiting for me to come home?

“You don’t live in this building, do you?” She shakes her head. “I’m not answering any questions about the Lones.” My hackles start to rise. Who is this woman?

“I was shocked to see him myself, but he’s not why I wanted to talk to you.” Her brows pull together as she thinks things over.

“Jade.” I pull her back to the moment here.

“Sorry, I just don’t believe in coincidences. Not in my line of work.”

“And what is your line of work?”

“Figuring out the truth and making sure the rest of the world knows what’s going on right under their noses.” Heated passion lights up her words.

“Okay, I think this conversation is over.” I step back to shut my door. Is she on to Keaton or what happened to him?

Her hand flies out to stop me. “Malice. That’s why I’m here.”

Last night when I told Keaton about my new job for JM Tech, I could have sworn I saw him tense before he tried to hide it. I don’t think he realizes that when it comes to him, there’s nothing he can keep from me.