
“How long have you known about this meeting?” I take a sharp turn, swerving Rocco’s car around a narrow corner behind Red Square. “Why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“I thought you knew,” Alexi says. “Besides, you’ve been disappearing every fucking day, Katarina. He told you to stay close, that these assholes Raines worked with are getting close. But no, you always do what you want to do. You never listen!”

“Look, I can take care of myself! I’ve told you before that I don’t need a babysitter!” The tires screech against the pavement as I pull into the back lot of Red Square. I squint in the sunlight to see a dark-haired figure running toward the back entrance of Red Square. Alone. “Is that Nico?” I slam on the brakes and put the car into Park. “Why is he here? Is he meeting with—?”

I jump out of the car, ready to run over to Nico when someone steps out of one of the black F-150s parked along the perimeter, blocking any view from passers-by. I can’t make out the face of the guy, but he’s tall and lean. There’s something vaguely familiar about the way he carries himself. How weird that I’d even pick up on it. He walks toward Nico, reaching a hand into his jacket.

I watch the scene unfold in slow motion. I try to run, but something pulls me backward. My feet are still kicking up sand and stones, but my body is being held by a set of strong hands. I fight against them, but it’s no use.

I can’t hear anything…all sounds around me are muted. “Nico! No!” My mouth forms the words, but no sounds escape. I try to scream, but silence consumes me, save for the two shots to the chest that send Nico crumbling to the ground.

“No, no, no!” I shriek, struggling against Alexi’s chest. “Let me go! I have to help him!” Tears stream down my face as the ever-present nightmare rears its head once again. “I can’t let this happen again! He needs me!” I yank out of Alexi’s grip and run toward Nico, pressing my head against his chest to see if I can make out a heartbeat.

I don’t look at the man who just shot him.

I don’t look back at Alexi.

I just stare at my friend. “Please, God, no.”

“Must bring back memories.”

A chill slithers around my insides. That voice…I know that voice…

I twist my head around, yelping as Alexi pulls me off the ground by the back of my coat. “Remy?” I whisper.

He grins at me, his dark eyes filled with malice. “That’s right, Kat. It’s been a long time, and I’ve thought about you every day.” Remy walks toward me, his face twisted into a nasty grimace. “Of the things I’d do to you…the things I’d make your father watch me do to you.” He nods at Alexi. “Get her inside.”

Alexi shoots out his hand, pointing a gun at my temple. My throat is so tight, I can barely squeeze out a breath. “What the fuck are you doing?”

He narrows his eyes, leaning in close. “For years, I’ve been a second-class citizen in this family. I’ve killed for this family, I’ve made a shit ton of money for this family, and what do I get? Fucking nothing!” An evil grin stretches across his face. “But that changes today. I’m finally gonna get the respect and the money I deserve.”

“You sold us out?” I shriek. I launch a fist at his jaw, and he barely stumbles. Bastard! I’m so off my goddamn game right now, and processing all of this is more than I can handle. “Why? My father took care of you! He gave you everything!”

Nico is still sprawled on the ground, blood pooling behind him. My heart aches just thinking of his family and Shaye. I couldn’t save him.

Again, I let it happen! I watched and did nothing!


Alexi’s hand explodes against my cheek with a sharp sting that hurts worse than a hive full of wasps. “No! He gave you everything! He only took from me…” His head nods in Remy’s direction. “And my brother.”

“Your…” My eyes widen. “…your brother?” I manage to rasp out that final word.

Alexi yanks my head back by the hair. “Your father murdered our father. He took me in when I was very young to ease his guilt. Told my mother he’d give me a good life here. Then he forced my mother to go back to Russia. She was pregnant with Remy. I never got to know my own brother because of him! My mother was told to stay away from me or else he’d kill me, too. So she did. And I gave my loyalty to the man who ripped apart my family. He used me, day after day, year after year.”

“He treated you like his own son!”

Alexi pulls my hair harder, the pain making my eyes water. “I was just leverage to him. He told my mother if she tried to get me back, he’d kill me.” He leans closer, his forehead pressed against mine. “And that’s exactly what Remy told him when he had your mother and sister killed. Follow my rules or I kill Katarina.” The disdain in Alexi’s voice makes my gut twist. How could I have been so blind to all of this? He was like a brother to me, and all the while, he was plotting to destroy my family the way my father destroyed his. I trusted him, and only him.

“Everyone always played by his rules. And when I was old enough to find out the truth, I decided to make a few of my own rules. He owed me that after taking everything from me. But then he violated the rules by giving you too much power. Now you both die.”

The tears flow hard and fast. My stomach rolls, bile rising in my throat, the wounds torn open yet again. “You killed my mother and sister?” I ask Remy. “But you told me…you told me you loved me. I gave you everything,” I whisper.

“And why do you think you’re the one still living?” Remy asks in a low voice. He nods at Alexi. “Get her inside. It’s time.”

Alexi drags me away from Nico’s cold body, and I claw at the ground to slow him down. “Please don’t do this. I can’t leave him out here. Alexi, don’t—”