“Rocco, we have a problem.”

Don’t we always?

And why is it always our problem? Why can’t it ever be everyone else’s problem except mine?

“I know we do. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you about it, too. Maybe you saw all of the missed calls and messages?” I stretch my arms overhead and wince as my back cracks.

Occupational hazard. I’ve come close to ending up in traction more times than I care to count.

“I don’t have time for your bullshit. Viktor’s gone.”

“What do you mean, gone?”

“Xiomar Cinque and his guys got into town a couple of days ago. I had a meeting with Viktor yesterday morning, after yours, and that was the last I’ve seen of him. I’ve tried calling, texting, everything except ask Kat.”

“I wouldn’t bother. He hasn’t reached out to her, either,” I mutter, scrubbing a hand down the front of my face.

“How do you know that?”

“Because she told me.”

“Oh, yeah? When?”

“Um…last night. Before we had sex.” I roll my eyes.

“For fuck’s sake, Rocco. You know what we’re up against here. I told you to keep an eye on her, not bang her!”

“Look, she’s been with me since yesterday morning. She’s safe. That’s the important thing, right?”

Nico lets out a frustrated sigh. “Dude, keep it in your pants until we get this handled. You need to watch your ass. They’re looking for you, too. Where is your family?”

“I’m getting ready to take them to the airport. They’re heading down to Florida this afternoon.”

“Okay, good. Get them out of here. We need to find a place for you guys.”

“Yeah, thanks for letting me know the farm is out. I had to hear it from Viktor yesterday. I guess it was just one more thing you thought you’d keep close to the vest.” I roll my eyes. “A little information is good sometimes, Nico. You know, like when my fucking life is at stake!”

“I told you to trust me, that I have everything under control. But right now, we need to get Kat out of the line of fire, at least until we find Viktor.”

“Should I tell her about him?”

“Not yet. If she finds out, she’s gonna go after those bastards, and that’s exactly what they want. But…”

“What? There’s more?”

“Yeah. Something you need to know. The Cinques aren’t the ones behind all of this. They’re pissed at Viktor for trying to take over their piece of the drug trafficking business and us for working with him, but they’re not the ones who put the hit on the Ivanovs. They’re just the cover. They carried it out but didn’t order it.”

“Jesus Christ, Nico! How long have you known this? You guys had me out in California for two goddamn years trying to get into the Cinque organization to find out who pulled the trigger on the Ivanovs. And now you’re telling me it wasn’t the Cinques?”

“No, I’m not saying that. You got the names of the guys who killed the Ivanovs, but the Cinques weren’t the ones behind it.”

I try to keep my voice steady even though I want to scream my damn head off. “Then who the fuck is after Viktor and Kat?” I say through gritted teeth, my fingers tight around my phone.

“A guy named Remy Valkamir.”

“Who is Remy Valkamir?” I hiss. “I’ve never even heard that name! What the hell does he have to do with this? And why didn’t anyone in the Cinque family ever mention him?” Nico always pulls this. He always holds things back until he decides it’s time to share. And even now, I’ll bet there’s a whole lot more he’s still holding onto.

Nico is silent for a few seconds while my blood boils. My pulse throbs against my neck, and I struggle to keep my fist from slamming through a wall right now. “Nico, tell me what the you know about this guy. What does he have to do with Viktor’s family?”