Pizza is here!

I don’t want pizza. I just want more wine. My mind gets fuzzier by the minute, and I just want to hold on to this feeling for a little longer. Pizza will just soak it all up.

Allegra rushes to the front door to help Antonio with the boxes with Stoli 2 hot on her heels, and Lindy grabs a pile of napkins, placing them at our spots around the table.

Rocco walks over to me, a crooked smile on his face. “Isn’t this fun?”

I nod. “It really is,” I whisper. “Thank you for bringing me.”

He nods, placing a hand on the small of my back. His fingertips scorch my skin through the thick velour, and those damn butterflies are at it again. “Sit down,” he murmurs against my ear. “I think you should eat something.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” I whisper in an unintentionally flirty tone, gazing up at him through my lashes. Oh, crap. Here we go. Maybe the pizza isn’t such a bad idea after all. Remember last night? Let’s not have a replay of that disaster!

He furrows his brow, and I clear my throat, reading his expression loud and clear. Like I didn’t already get the message last night. So many messages. My mind can’t keep track of them all right now. Because of the wine. Yes, that’s it. I’ll just blame it on the vino. “You know, because of the drinking. On an empty stomach.” I run a hand through my hair, turning away from him as heat floods my cheeks. Keep it in check, Kat!

Stoli 2 trots back into the kitchen and sits right at Antonio’s feet as he opens that first box. The smell of melted cheese and sauce makes my mouth water, and judging from Stoli 2’s reaction, he’s on the same page as me.

The first bite singes the roof of my mouth, but my God, it tastes amazing.

Pizza can make almost anything better.

I inhale that first slice, and when I’m on my third, I raise my eyes to see Rocco staring at me again. I swallow hard, forcing the large bite of cheese and bread down my throat. He grins at me. “I think you’ve just soaked up your last months’ worth of booze,” he murmurs so only I can hear.

I snicker, covering my mouth with a napkin, trying not to spew sauce all over the table.

“She’s got a good appetite.” Allegra nods with a smile. “When I first saw you, I was afraid you’d be one of those girls who turns her nose up at anything that isn’t a salad.”

I wipe my lips and smile. “Nope. Pizza is my favorite. I could eat a whole pie by myself.” I wink at Lindy. “And I have, too. More times than I’d like to admit.”

“Girl’s full of surprises,” Rocco mutters, shaking his head and finishing the last half of his slice in one bite.

“Rocco!” Allegra chides. “You’re going to choke!”

“Mnph. Itffohood.” Rocco somehow manages to smile at his mother while he chomps away.

“You’re disgusting.” Lindy snorts, patting her slice with a napkin to mop up the excess oil.

I giggle as he leans over his sister, his mouth hanging open. She shrieks and pushes him away. “Gross! You are so freaking immature!”

Rocco doubles over with laughter as his mother rolls her eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh. “Kat, is dinner this eventful at your house?”

And just like that, all the air is sucked from the room. The pizza I’d just scarfed sits in my stomach like a concrete block, and my throat tightens. I clutch my neck, unable to breathe. Rocco and his father exchange a quick look…what the hell did it mean? Rocco puts a hand on my back. “Are you okay?”

I nod, my eyes filling with tears. “Something…went down the wrong pipe,” I rasp. “I just need…a minute.”

“Okay, dear.” Allegra stands up and points to the hallway. “The powder room is just outside the kitchen. Do you want some water?”

I wave my hand. “No, thanks,” I croak, rushing out of the room. Stoli 2 runs after me like he knows what’s about to happen and wants to comfort me. Little does he know that he’s exactly what I need right now. I find the small room, flip open the light, and lock myself and the dog inside before I finally let the tears flow. I wrap my arms around Stoli 2 and press my head against his, crying like I’ve just lost my best friend forever.

Oh, yeah.

I did.