But I know all of it, things she doesn’t even know.

And if I don’t want to end up like her mom and sister, I need to keep my damn mouth shut even though I can feel her pain. Her body is tense and stiff, her voice sad. She needs closure, but it’ll get her killed.

That must be why Viktor wants to keep her in the dark. He knows as well as I do what she’ll do with that information.

So I keep driving, listening to her deep and even breaths.

The silence in the car is deafening. It forces me to think about things…things I don’t want looping through my mind. Nico, the horse farm, the Cinques, Viktor. All things that represent my fate in some way, shape, or form. And based on recent events, my fate ain’t too pretty.

I flip through the scenarios in my mind, absently wondering why Lindy hasn’t texted me so far today. She was supposed to let me know what time she’d be over with Stoli 2, and judging by Kat’s emotional state, I really don’t think she can handle my family today of all days.

Traffic is kind of light right now, and soon enough, we’ll be at my place. If I don’t have Stoli 2, she’s gonna think I lured her there under false pretenses.

My place. God, I’d wanted to get Kat to my house and on her back more times than I can count.

False pretenses. Huh. Not exactly.

I peek out of the corner of my eye a few minutes later to find Kat’s head bobbing to the side. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth is hanging open. Not much, but enough to make me smirk.

It must mean she’s relaxed, right? Comfortable? Content?

That, or she’s just exhausted emotionally, and passed out from the stress and pressure.

I flip on my turn signal and nod. That must be it.

My iPhone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out, peering at the screen as I tap my foot on the brake at a red light in my neighborhood. It’s Lindy.

Just got back from a walk with Stoli 2. He’s eating right now. Come over and pick him up?

I let out a low groan. I really didn’t want a pit stop.

“What’s wrong?” Kat murmurs, twisting her body toward me. Her eyes are hooded and heavy with sleep.

“Stoli 2 is at my parents’ house. Lindy had him last night and just got back from walking him. I’ve, ah, got to pick him up.” I look over at her, not sure what to expect. Maybe she’ll volunteer to stay in the car. I can’t see that she’d be open to meeting my family—

She shrugs and a lazy smile lifts her lips. “Okay. Do I look presentable enough to meet everyone?”

My mouth drops open. “Are you serious?”

She sits up straight, her eyes wide. “Oh my God, do I look that horrible?”

Honk! Honk!

I let out a string of curses and ease my foot off the brake, maneuvering the car over to the side of the road so the asshole behind me can go. I put the car into Park and turn toward her. “Are you insane, Kat?”

She furrows her brow. “Sometimes…yeah.”

I shake my head and tilt her chin up. “You’re fucking gorgeous. Always. I just didn’t know if you’d be up to being around people, that’s all.”

A slow smile brightens her face, erasing the shadows and the darkness. It may only be temporary, but fuck me, it’s a beautiful sight.

“I’m not exactly the kind of girl you bring home to meet Mom and Dad.”

My jaw drops. “That’s not what…I mean, I just need to pick up Sto…I’m really not trying…” I rake a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. “Look, what I’m trying to say is that there’s no ulterior motive here. I swear. It’s all innocent.”

Kat lets out a loud chuckle. It’s a nice sound, a welcome one…so different from her usual icy and sarcastic tone, I almost forget who I’m sitting next to.

It makes me even more crazy about her, if that’s possible. And truth be told, I want to take her home with me. I want her by my side, even if she doesn’t know that. I have to protect her and keeping her with me is the best way to do it. Her enemies are my enemies, and I need to keep her safe. Alexi sure as hell can’t keep her in check, and Viktor warned me in not so many words that she’d try to evade him anyway.