
“Idon’t like you.”

I nod my head. “That’s too bad, Vik, because I really like you.”

Well, at least it sounded good in my head.

I might get a metal spike to the eye if I try to say them out loud.

I try a different tactic. “I realize I’m an acquired taste.”

He rolls his eyes. “You were not my pick for this job, but under the circumstances, it makes sense.”

‘I’m not following.”

“Keeping an eye on Katarina? The job I am asking you to do for me?”

“That’s why I’m here?” I lean back in the chair and fold my arms. “I thought it was about the horse farm.”

Viktor looks confused. It’s a funny mental picture to have. I’ve never seen him look anything but menacing. This almost makes him seem human.


And file!

“Didn’t Nico talk to you?”

I let out a chuckle. “Everything with Nico is on a need-to-know basis. And you know how that goes? Nobody needs to know. That’s really his bottom line, so to answer your question, no. He didn’t tell me anything. I just assumed—”

“We both know how that goes.” Viktor lifts a dark eyebrow. He looks like shit today. Thinner. Tired. His face is drawn, his eyes heavy and sunken. Still in his signature Armani, but it just hangs lifeless.

Like the rest of him.

“I’m heading out of town for the day, so I appreciate you coming down here so early.”

“Just tell me what you need.”

He gives me a long, hard look. “Katarina is in danger.”

No shit, Sherlock. “I’m aware. What do you want me to do about it?”

“The horse farm was the original plan to keep her safe. To keep both of you safe,” he adds.

That was a nice touch. Maybe there’s hope for us after all.

“But it seems to have been compromised.” Viktor rubs the back of his head. “Our surveillance put an untraceable SUV with bogus plates right in the vicinity. That means the location has been exposed, and it’s no longer safe up there.”

I swallow a groan. Why in the fuck am I hearing this from Viktor now? I just saw Nico last night. Fucking guy couldn’t have let me in on the secret? But I can’t say that. You never sell out the family. And that goes double for the boss. “I didn’t know. Nico didn’t mention anything to me.” I lean forward, my voice dropping even though the door to Viktor’s office at Red Square, his ‘social club’ is closed and locked tight.

Can’t take any chances.

“Viktor, why do you want me to look after Kat? I’m in enough trouble. Why put her in the line of fire?”

He glowers at me and taps his fingertips against the desk. “Because the people who are coming after her are the same ones coming after you and I believe that together, you can take care of each other.”

“You really believe that?”

“No, but Nico does. He trusts you. Says you’re his top enforcer, a fact which I find hard to believe.” He shrugs and lights a skinny black cigarette. He takes a deep pull and blows a thin stream of smoke into the air.