He’s doubled over on the ground, clutching his throat, gargling words.
I fall to my knees next to him and throw an arm around his shoulders. “What the hell were you thinking? I could have killed you!”
He holds his neck, narrowing his eyes at me. “You are sick, you know that? Do you ever not throw a kill punch?”
“Listen, consider yourself lucky that I’ve had a lot to drink tonight and my aim was a little off.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls himself up to a sitting position against the leather couch in the lobby. “Even drunk you’ve got pretty damn good aim.”
“It’s a gift, I guess.” I shrug. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been waiting here for you to get back,” he rasps, coughing a little bit. “Your father told you how dangerous it is for you to be out by yourself, but you never listen. You always do what you want to do, fuck the consequences.”
I force my lips upward. “Well, let’s examine the facts, shall we? I could have killed you back there, by myself, and without a weapon. I think I’m pretty good on my own, don’t you?”
“I’m one person. These people, these enemies, they travel in packs. They’re waiting for you to make one stupid move, and you’ve been making a lot of them lately.”
I let out a deep sigh. “I needed some space. I’m sorry for ignoring you.”
“I know it’s a hard time for you. Nobody understands that more than me. And your father…” Alexi’s eyes grow harder by the second. “He doesn’t give a fuck what you’re going through. He just holes himself up in some fancy hotel room and drinks the day away, same as he’s done every year since it happened. He runs away from it all, leaving you on your own to deal with it.”
“Everybody grieves differently.”
“He’s a fucking coward.”
My eyes widen. “This from the man who has worshipped the ground Papa walks on for as many years as I can remember?”
“Yeah, well, let’s just say for a long time I didn’t see things so clearly.”
My brow furrows. “Alexi, did something happen? Why all the hostility? Is it because you really didn’t want gym duty?” I try to lighten the mood, even in the depths of my own despair, but his face remains impassive.
He clears his throat a few times and finally shakes his head. “No, nothing happened. I’m just frustrated, that’s all. It’s not fair to you, the way he handles things and buries things under the rug. You shouldn’t have to guess his reasons for acting. You should know the truth.”
I put my hand on Alexi’s arm. The truth. Yes, I deserve that much. “I shouldn’t let you get away with talking like this, you know. He is my father, after all. And he treats you like a son.”
Alexi turns his harsh gaze on me. “Yep. And that’s what makes it even harder to accept.”
I lean my head against his shoulder. “I don’t question his decisions,” I lie. “I know he has good reasons for making them.”
“Too bad for him you’re not the only judge and jury out there watching,” Alexi grunts, his words like a sharp knife dicing away at my insides. He’s telling me something without saying the words, and the chill in his voice clenches my gut.
But his tone drips with disdain. It’s hateful…threatening…and dangerous.
I get the message loud and clear.
Even though Papa is not winning any Dad of the Year awards, he’s still my father.
And something he taught me a very long time ago always rings clear.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Words to live by, especially in this life.
You just can’t trust anyone.